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Show In ploklng up tbo Int Issue of tbo Panguitoli Progress tho oxohango editor edi-tor turned to the patont fnsldo to boo just what kind of servloo tho sheet was putting up to Its readers. What was his nstoniBhmont tn noto that several sev-eral articles wero familiar to him and appeared liko dond voices speaking from tho misty past. On nlosor examination ex-amination one item was noticed that reported jometatters oonoerulng the uotorlous caso of Mrs. Anun Iiradloy lu Washington thnt waa In progress over n year ago. Following nlong further It was noticed that nil tbo ltorns wero of-nnoiout data too undent un-dent oven to Bmell good. Tho wonder won-der is that tho pooplo or Panguitoli stand for such poor uows Bervico when news of tho world can bo flashed into ' orery nook nnd corner or tho globo in n fow minutes. Sure tho editor of tho Pauguitoh ProgrcEH must be n, " dead ono or tho subscribers uro used' to Rip VnnWinkie sloops. l |