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Show .1. C. KOI I SON. M. B. oietooi t, AW 4 HUtL ILOC. CM A citt Mva ro. crtct ov -u 1 -. t r- m. NlKCUM. ATTKNTION lI Tt DWUHK.S Ut THK KY K.VK NUNH AND TUHO.VT, ANI TUB VIITINJ Ol (H.ANSES, f-Mi4Piivyti--i I CEDARCITYCO-OP. Blankets. j I .Now Is tttae time to get your I. U cHoice of Winter BlanKets. We 4. J Have a large variety, but "thiey T ! are going li&e lOt cakes. : '" I Ladies' Waists. J ? --Wc just received the largest shipment of . 1 waists We have "ever 'ordered and they are f j simply fine. '"' ' " '" t ' T I OverallSo I i i When you want a pair of overalls that will J 1 f wear come to us for we carry the kind thafcgive J 1 i satisfaction. ' I 1 Remember ovlt plaru k f f "IF IT IS NOT RIGHT COME BACK I j i AND GET YOUR MONEY." i - I The Old Reliable; I J, .. ' 1 -W2wiwW3VM-!M-wt!bu " -' t W- ..'-,- -", .-J -S-.v:jr - . , - Of Course It's ir oimple. H A woman told us the other day , , A j that she bought a Majestic Range p& ot us because it was so simple to ks r" turn the damper and throw the" p l '. heat from the oven into the kitchen. " AVell, why not? - , . I " ( Morethan one woman has caught ' . a severe cold from a chilly winter p - i kitchen. Your kitchen probably is H ij I' cold in Avi nter too. - 1 Why not have a cook "stove that -r c , will heat or bake, or both, 'as you J ffl 1 wish. 'Mm They're here priced right. W H 1 A Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet will ' S3 m make you easy work. 8 1 Iieigh Furnitiire & 1 I Garpet Go. , " . I I " 1 I |