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Show Declare 16 Per Cent Dividend. The hnuual stockholders meeting of tbe Cednr EquitabloGo op AsoBoia-tion AsoBoia-tion was held at tbo Storoou tbo 11th Inst. The management made tbo report of the business ninco tho beginning of Februnry, 1900, until the .'list of December, showing u groat morennu in business during that tlmo. A dividend of 3 per 00 tit win dcclaiod on tho capital stock and 8 pot cent on tho purubneo ohooks payable pay-able on tbe 18th Inst. Tbo stockholders voted by nooln-mntlon nooln-mntlon for an increase of the capital (tuck to 310,000, as tbo growing business bus-iness demanded a larger capital to work un. Thomas S. Bladen, Thos. D. Roche and V. Tucker wero appointed as a committee to recolvo subscription for stock. Tbe Equitable Go op has dono an exceedingly largo business during tho past year and tbo stockholders feel tbat with tbe inoroaso of capital tbat "tbo storo tbat Belongs to tbe People" will bo tbo most popular and tho best storo to do business with in tbe southern part of tbo Stato. |