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Show MILFORD AND DIXIE To pe Connected by an Electric Railway. PROJECT PLANHED RYMR.LANE I w , Will tQst Three and u Half f.lllllons, and Promoter Sys tho Capital Is Piomlsed fpr'tho I'urposo. (Milfnnl T an.) Milford and Dixie are to toeconfjectod Jy nu elcatrle iallroBd,aoortlngU,yie nb of 'Jeorge B Lane, tho Mpforit ttlhlng operator, who sn ho 1ms se-BOBred se-BOBred auple capital for tho enterpilse Sflu8 woik will be commenced within jglltiet) !.., '11 j Hue will be J$o milet. Ttf: ni". will go by way of Beaver lied Li'jf0'1"1' running four miles west of Cellar, ar. 1 on to St Qergc. flglit tloflsand hrirsioiver will be datetoped in the Ileawpoauyon at Per oan and at the -Rio Virgin falls, and f appropriations of the water are to be J made at once. Slsty-harse-powcr (no-tore (no-tore are to be used, by tho overhead ' trollB) stem, and tho trip from Mil-i Mil-i ford" to St. Georgo will bo tnnde in ten I hours. Mueh of hls lipewlll bo f through cotnr-arlUifely level valleys, "but In ttiine plhcessivltoh-backs iVlll be fiecessary and tho grades will bo hea-1 hea-1 'ler than could be possibly handled by I a steam road. . The estimated coot of the project is I three and a half millions and acomyany will be Incorporated with a rnpltul of ! seven and a half millions. Mr. Lane 1 states that one of tho parties b.ielc of 1 ibe tnterprise assured him that ho ! could raise $750,000 for It within sixty 1 aya, autl'tlic syndicate has guranteed Uiat the entire amount will be forth- pinlng.r Mr. Lane lccently rotijrucd frqm a rlp through the territory to be penetrated pene-trated by tlj'cuew roqd a)id Is very en-thnslastfc en-thnslastfc oyor. the traffic possibilities. pThe llnojwtll jeach the Iron and coal 'Felda of Iron county and open a mnrlfet marble and building stono, a nourishing nourish-ing brlclc Industry at Parowan, fine timber belt md a mast promising oil field In Washington county. The road will also leaehthe mineral belt near St. George, whore rich copper mines have been opened up and a smelter Is In operation. op-eration. Then there are thousands of aarcs of semi-tropical fruit In tho Dixie Dix-ie country which will be landed at Salt Lake tn twenty-four hours and at Denver Den-ver in thirty-sl, nfter It is paoltcd. Mr. Lane and his associates arc confident confi-dent that tho road will soon develop suffllclent franco to p.iy handsome ie-turns ie-turns upon tho investment. |