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Show !: Educational. jX -)klSS2S:STvX0 NORMALNO'Hr Tho Mnlo Doublo quurtot Is mnkiug rnpid strides undor tho direction of Mr. Mnofnrluno. Miss Ethol Morgan, a sistor of E. A. Morgan, ouo of tho Normnl toaoh-ers, toaoh-ers, is spending n fow weoks iu Cedar City. A lnrgo numhor of students wont homo for tho Thanksgiving roceas, but nil woro on duty Mondny morning roody for business. Prof. Robison of tho A. 0. of Lo gan visited tho lirauoli Normal yesterday. yes-terday. Ho spoko to tho Stdout body during tho morning. Miss Donuohun conducted ohnpol the Wednesday boforo ThankBigvlug. Sbo spoko interestingly on tho origin and development of Tbauksgiviug. Miss Wnkler iisng "Faoo to Fuoo." Mr. and Mrs. Hussotig know from personal nxponouoo what it is to bo loat in tho wilds of southern Utah. They will uo doubt have somo "big bear storios" to rolato to their frieudB. M M - I ipi |