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Show Kidnaping cf margaret taytoTj iGr.ndmoihcrandan Hunt Convicted and at the Door of the Penitentiary Cbe Search for the Stolen Child. j mr before In the history of the ftnltentlary has there been such u as that of Mts Frances Lang-i!iy Lang-i!iy Tiylor need T8 sears, and her .httr Mls Trances Langworthy ijr 1 who at noon arilvcd at Institution fiom llnclnnatl to serve )tir ea h for child stealing-, trutre ushered Intn the ndmlnls-len ndmlnls-len bulHIng about 11 JO o'tloi k, apd mlmites later It was nnnounceel Gov Nash had granted a leprleve tijtit In which time the mat-nil! mat-nil! be laid before the State Hoard PirdnnJ says the Cincinnati Com-ill Com-ill Tribune tea t tins baby girl came to bless niton cf Albert Vinton Taylor and iminsvvlfe Mary eight years ngo (onflparenti were transported with mil no It wns believed, were the ilmotner Mi l'rimes L Taylor, k'rlujht r (.lira and Frances, on the nee mile they showered the of 1 ne'y hcnt- chM was named Margaret, nnd bom In th grandmother s house, 'trnbdnk Th' lint two jenrs of Its ltllifl In a veritable bower ot love ! h moth-r fathet, grandmother mmi virl nub each other In the wty of th ir love i the Child Was Kidnaped. t'anoth hud Atthur of Mrs TTijInrvwi ill little Margaret wns 'M to vl It her grnndmother nnd rt Fran i nnd Clnrn, at Fern-.tirls Fern-.tirls In AiiRimt IMS On August -ic orcllng tu the admissions of "W Tnjlor Jr on the witness 'l-Hiriaft Taslor wns taken hy w Burnet woods From Hurnet irram i t nk Margaret to the ilCentral fiion, wheic they met "II r hr and t'lnrn, the latter larat h I and transportation to 1 HI fr m the station the three '"ami th hild took a Kelt line Maahrj- -, admitted lode tin-Vf tin-Vf SM to a. part of Ihe ( Ity, w hll h. 'II they dldn t icLOgnlzc, the next lo iik- another car nnd get !,!?"" r lnt which rinncea said ull jut ll -,tir but w hi re, us she "'1 Clara n I little Muignrct took -in if r p i r"PratIons Mndo by Them. I,V.fJ"i '" "iiioiiy tint Frames Kiit'1 "''HI'"0 fr hetself in T. .""' ' wns employed on nJ'ntil urn ihat ho unit her i?l"JnM " lirnlmiik On the , Vv.. tf" '""I n several other '"rami nit, , jimgnret sent I In Tu ""' ',ul"1 nnd in tides of "5 .' '' nt which wete if miwiii1, "''' '"'y 1" wilting. 17lJmt ' '"t lint little Mai luil r K " fr"m ",0 ,lly ''V 1,1,1 ' u "" not until An- i"l"it.. .' '' "I '"'l wrote lier Mors.. " ,1"1" ""u M'B"rct pi?f. ' 'nilntuitl nnd when atlv 1- hl1'1 ,l0111 " I" wiib ,?',' by Frances 1 lylor "a Vfr( " l.'li'X'U't light '1 Hill. l,") ,l,y ttnc" hh9 l" h, ' t.rM lle on her 'iti, . InioUir-i. the inolhei but h'"1 ' ''' not mils not seen 'hm. " lK" "' nKte "l10 '" 'feu ir " "''" cluiimstantcs, ""'MhiJ' " ,ler by "'" tw" wn- . nI 2v n 'THeved hs Oov. m " i-v i i ruvlor ns well. "M """'!'on of the Kldnnpem. " alrl'i " ,nB Mdnnpei. before snWllhai?. t'' 'l"lfi Hi. ud- ti ir . 'niiiiunlciitlnu with "": J" . i-"vn "t envelopes v,B TlimV A "" "' "1B Now Wm ' im later than last ,ni.,, n 'unmiinhnllon mer Tay i a. " , '" "n uftornoon paper P" ih , "'""""I het knowledge t wei, " '" of little Margaret to ' h(rj. . n OM J" hl,nB we do know that t " h tr ,, ,. 'ifn'"..m"n' ,he tru,n L-- 'Hi (In, Ik1"1,11 "" '" s"11 ,l loien, minb l'sem. Is with one ' 1 Cooan.?i!,on'' or rru,c" Tyor' id 'rt,?m,,, "Mho fact. Horn the off- "lllfr . " Tl'yl'i had taken uff fil- r,, '""ail. the fact that ' , ikr. ,' ,tt emph islied by the . " ur, i ,,' "f,nK no fruits nnd the "'" -ip i ,h," , '"thlntt sent to Utile , i -I , , ' ' that Mrs Taylor At' ' "f . ' Inta undei the fot' 1s hv th n.. , nieventlnn apy i "'thni , """"I uillhoiltles-niid w llf elf ,.,,"" 1loi had Pin- lt """tine '",'"lll'lle on tho id .n '""I txf ... ' """' ' lm ll,e ron' jlc.' '"human ?,'"" of ,ho unniitiiiol W. "n of j,?rn,'rnr' "'i If the .Jul Jln I la. Taylor, that "the child, though absent, was with one who loves It,' did not piove lt. nut, In addition to the proof of the conspiracy by th facts and by Mm Taylor, thero is also the Admission of Frances Taylor on thj habeis corpus procedlnja, In IMS, b'fore Judge Hnllltter On th trial for kidnaping beforu Judg Murphy, Mur-phy, Judge llolllster testified as follows fol-lows The Agreement of the Three Women. Finnics Tiylor testllled that the child was left for a time with Its grand, mother at Fcrnbink, where she (Fiances) (Fian-ces) njso lived: that by agreement between be-tween them all she (Frances) brought Ihe chill lo the city on the street cars, wheie she met her sister Clara nt the corner of som street which Frances Taylor said she did not remember the nam" of. She said she gave the child to her sister Clara, nnd had not seen lt since, nor did she know where her sister was bhe said her Bister hid a pass to Peoria, III , she said that, afterward, a letter camo from her slBter, at any rate It wns In her sister's handwriting, postmarked post-marked New York That Is the suh. stance of what fhe said " The Flan to Steal Little Margaret. In answer to a question of rrosecutor Hoflhelmer as to whether Frances Tny-loi Tny-loi testified to nnj thing about a plan to get tho child away, Judge llolllster unswered ns follows ' She said that this was a plan to get the child away, and that the plan was made up by her mother, her sister and herself" Motives of the Three Women. Matgaret Taylor was kidnaped from her mother by the defendants nnd by Claru. Taylor, and Is kept concealed from nothlnc but motives of Intense hitred tn the mother Slnry Taylor an Irreproachable worn in and mother, but hastening to her death because of the ngnny wrought hy the defiant kidnapers. kidnap-ers. There Is neither man nor woman reallng the testimony In the case but must tome to the conclusion i cached by tho Juis that Frances Langworthy Taylor, Frances Lungworthy Taylor Jr, and Clnui Taslor dellbetntelj conspired con-spired to kidnap little Margaret Tnylor from her mother that they did kidnap hei, and that todiy they know where she Is concealed, dellantls, Inhumanly nnd criminally icfuslng to produce hei. An "Appeal for Little Margaret. Iho Commercial Tribune appeals to oveiy mothei In the land, In every father, fath-er, to eveis man nnd to every worn in, in whom n mother Is n sined thing, to aid In the ellort to lestoie little Mai-guiet Mai-guiet Tnsloi to her (.arrow Ins mother. If these two kldinpers-and Cliiu 'las-loi, 'las-loi, still nt large-nie allowed In P free, there Is no praltllnrf babe In tho lnnd who will be safe from the clutches uf the kldmper, theic Is no homo that may not be Invaded, no cradlo th it may not bo robbed nu houcehold mfe fiom the child stenlei, nnd mi mother who nuy not be placed In tho articling o-sltlon o-sltlon of the mother of little Mnigaret, who la denied even the blessed knowledge knowl-edge Hint het child lives or Is dead a knowledge even moio blessed than the agonUliig unccilulnty of the fate of her . Iilld Where llttlo Margaret Taylor Is, whit niu her surroundings, what Influent en lie about hei -Iho mother Is not ill lowed to know, while tho Inhuman child sleil'ra nio stayed at tho door of tho penitential), thai maudlin sympithy of h. rJusnn 11 Anthony club mas bo worked to n puidon, which woull forever for-ever be u bur to their punishment and a picinlum on their hearlkss net. Is there to be no sympathy foj the mother who has been lobby 1 or her inlilKiir The Commeicltl Trlluiio knows theie Is, nnd that It only needs to lia Hrniised. To 1'ind Llttlo Margaret. The Commercial Tribune has opened i fund In old of the neater. Mr Utile Margaret luyloi. It will undeilnke o apply tho moneys received earnestly and peislstently In thit direction It xneits with tho nd of fathers and iXe's, of Soil men and "". eveiywhcrc to resloio llttlo Maigaiet tn the arm of hei ninth. And the fund" tc.nalnl.is after ltajW ent have been niinnipllshcd will be Mven Vo the mother of little M.irgi.et Mr her-self her-self and Mr Ihe child icstored lo her Men and women of Ohio-men and wom?n ve.shuo-lt Is nn appeal on helmlf of a sonowlng nmll,'" Mr the restoration of her stolen child. |