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Show The frantic feverlshness of the Democratic Demo-cratic Senators to call any nnd evet)body whose accusations nnd hos-tile hos-tile malice could throw discredit upon the American troop or official In the Philippines Is marvelotisly Indecent. The) want nny one whose lies, treachery treach-ery and inscallty have been the subject sub-ject of discipline or proper punishment, punish-ment, to appear before the Philippine commltteo nnd give fresh currency to their nudacloua malice nnd falsehood. Tho purpose of these Democratic Senators Sena-tors Is of course to smirch the American Ameri-can name as much us possible, to tarnish ns much as can be the fnme of the American army, and to discredit whenever that Is posfble the honesty nnd good faith of the American administration. ad-ministration. This for the supposed advantage of the Democratic party. But think nf the status of it party thnt considers such besmirching of Americanism Ameri-canism to he to It advantage |