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Show THE GIST OF THE MATTER. Penator Culberson of Texas was very Insistent In his cross examination of Renew! MacArthur -.esterday, to know what republican Institution had lieen transplanted to the Philippine, he enumerated various liberties enjoyed by the people of this countiy. and demanded de-manded which, if any, of them had been enJoed by the Filipinos. As to one of these liberties free speech-General speech-General JIacArthur said that he told the Filipinos 'If they would give him their guna they could hold a mass meeting on every corner" That Is the cur of the whole question. There has been constant Insurrection ln the Philippines, Phil-ippines, the natlvee were In armed resistance re-sistance to the United States authority. While that resistance lasted, Is was tm-pimslhie tm-pimslhie to transplant republican Insti-tutlina Insti-tutlina These do not nourish amid the din of battle Kveti In our own lountty forty .veare ago there were uapei-aione or the writ nt habeas coi-liiis, coi-liiis, men blat mi with d'floyal speech were nhut up In Jails, newspaper that i-piutd treason weie suppressed While ihu battle Is Joined, It la Impossible to nslder tho methods of peace, or to n out fnr the guaruntee of 'lite lib. itv it d ihe put suit of happiness ' Hut nile me 1 ,ht!ng was going on j 1 r nt 01 , r the Philippines, In 1 t rti .s civil governments were I a ah. hel by th Philippne cimmls-si cimmls-si 11 In some iki th'-e civil govern. inenis rverted to the service of the Insuirection the official were unfaithful unfaith-ful to their trust, they had to he deposed, de-posed, and a new start waa made. At present these civil governments are genial throughout the Islands, and will be un verssl as soon as the pacification la completed. Thl pacification would have tome much sooner but for Demo-cratle Demo-cratle en ouragement of It It his taken the heat part of four year since the fighting stopped to organize a complete com-plete civil government ln Cuba, It took nearly three years In Porto Itlro The process I even more rapid In the Philippine Phil-ippine but it has even thu not been rapid enough for Demot ratio campaign purpose, snd that Is all there I to the discontent that la manifested by the Democratic Senator. It Is not for the I'lllplno that they are speaking, for they know that civil goveinment has rrogreased as rapidly aa possible ln the islands, but their wrangling and Incontinent In-continent haste Is only for the purpose of manufacturing catch-crle for campaign cam-paign use In the coming Congressional elections, |