Show I. I BUYS FINE BUFFALO HEAD Californian Pays s 's Over O 1000 for fOl Specimen Found Here James A A. A Murray urray of or California the multi-millionaire multi who was formerly one Cute of the foremost t mining men of or Montana was In ht the city yesterday and during his stay bought one of the J most perfect specimens of or the buffalo buffalo falo talo head In the United States Mr Murray who was a pioneer of or th the western country has recently re removed removed removed re- re moved to California and maintains a n number of or magnificent residences between between between be be- tween San Francisco an and Butte nutte his former home The buffalo head which cost him something over 1000 is intended s a-s asa asa a hall hail decoration in one of or his houses While not a professional collector of ot western relics r Mr MI Murray has long been known as ns one who appreciates the value of ot such things and arid little difficulty difficult difficulty dif dif- was experienced b by the local dealer who sold Rold him the head It is said that the specimen in question question ques cities tion lion is probably the most perfect Inthe in inthe the countr country and anti several orr otters offers rs have been made for fOl It b by museums In the east |