Show preserving fence poet posts from decay washington every fanner farmer Is ta fa elliar with ane rotting ot of his fence posts at the surface of the ground rhe labor of replacing them and how bow to secure new and durable posts are of constant annoyance and ex penie pease even the more durable woods uch tuch as u chestnut white oak ana cedar decay in eight or tea ten airs abe forest sen ice in its study of pro caging the life of fence post 1 i has found chelp and simple methods of preserving serving them in a sound avdi condition for an indefinite line thile even laough they are the poorest and nat orally least deable du uble woods full de hilla palls and 1 directions for or the tho treatment of dIffer eU erit kinds of 0 posts may be obtained by b at application to the Po forester rester washington D C r |