Show QUICK LUNCH OF THE ALL TOO PREVALENT DYSPEPSIA many menu menus that require but a F few sw minute minutes to prepare provide an idean meal meat for the family the prevalence of the american t dyspepsia Is largely due to the quick lunch habit of our bua bust nesa ness men and women the in herfor food latch as catch con korv ice the noise the hurry even the heavy permanent pei manent odor of 0 the average quck lunch restaurant all con spire as ill et good digestion waiting upon appetite the housekeeper who finds her men folks and the business women of at the household Ao su suffering from periodical at tacks of outraged digestive apparatus should try having tho the quick lunch at home instead of down town in these lays of rapid transit and of stoves which have seemed to our tore fore mothers the he realization of fairy tale this midday luncheon would be lazily practical A hot dish any one of the wh whole ole some viands which can be whipped up in fifteen or twenty minutes on an a gas stove a salad a ti cup of cocoa good butter and well baked bread make a lunch for a king or an epicure many unfortunately ilo do not study the possibilities of gas cookery in the way of those hurry up dishes they are well worth invests lation ration to rive give even a partial list of the lie good things requiring 20 minutes dr leas less would fill a pamphlet but a few quick lunch menus may help to convey an idea of at how easily this little repast may be managed LUNCH ONE cream of 0 lentil boup soup hot crackers cracker ESS salad whole wheat bread and butter dutter coffee grapes vor for this delicious soup which Is practically a lunch itself in nutriment soak a pound of lentils over night hav ing washed them thoroughly bly in two waters simmer in enough of the wa ter te they soaked in to cover them vt wk en tender press through a sieve retaining the water which has not boiled off to this puree add a pint of at milk thickening salt reheat serve at once LUNCH NUMBER TWO welsh rabbit nolle rolls and nutter butter grape fruit salad colled boiled custard an in cups coffee the cheese course always requires tart salad or fruit dessert to offset it which sour elemont the grape fr fruit ul t supplies up this salad la Is made by out the soft pulp of at a ripe and ser serving on individual plates of let tuce with french dressing |