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Show THE ONLY SPECIAL WIRE cr . IN TOWN. Oo Le are ll SME XII, NUMBER 82, NEWS ALL THE Republica Nn ‘Inter: $tlountain READ THE BEST SERIAL ON PAGE 4. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1909. TRAFFIC BUREAU APPEALS TO JAP QUESTION. RAILWAY CHIEFS FOR JUSTICE -TOTHE FRONT Senator Borah, of Idaho, Calls | at the White House and That State May Take Firm Stand Against the le Japanese. GOES DIRECTLY ~TOPRESIDENTS VERY NUMEROUS THERE . Stronq Petition Se Sent to Execu-| Thirteen tive. Heads of Transportation Lines Asking for Squafe Deal for Utah. x r i Hg OBE: Aa lene re » + be deal of for just carried + heads + + collecting ness men, + public first of + Traffic Utah the the sc eo systems from Utah Commercial that. whieh it sent + + + upon from t ing ean j of depend THE yl " , ak Di ome ae vi mys CITY BOARD OF HEALTH Bee pie p . form "In concise "it. presents charges, : ced a ace . Baa for fol desired rates i wk stine Ox eeof, u31he adjustm ane other ~ tan oan Ee! aot halve the territory) ae 4 » inclusiv ilroads Utah if is that 3 carr the charged ro 1 ré rd f‘ion» to asks more commodit }- ea San to the 1 t from th te ‘ era, a Ser <) phe té Tr ; ( fi 4s na ted t t Ar ‘I |-peared A Out A r 1, the im be { t t r v t ‘ i th Gaby eceae id C on ora Page Ten.) of ~"imd to. t y-Fred i the appro! ypriat ey t prs pens ef. decors Tyrted. with reporteer tt ie t! ngti ic S thea . x : r Capit appropr'a: an singresvemed ont ae Jo se 2300S e on f nn pe nw ‘In aiaan? 5 rl j A. investigation Into "aNi" ioning "tetestimon} The comm inti tire D3 al nd a meiey of New York ra re House _ ae a {th ¢ 1@ Hous , propre The Jy ut strike oe det on for t end " on etfon bill eit, 4 yriation~ propriation * nd airabips- ‘ ateoFr, ; striking, Repl Loga ee ah 2% af The eity finished to } that SECT asserts ous : the nine hour Fo aaa law the totieutin now jinge party than . in of work Japan Hud apportionment et is sol { is suggested In fact Great that perhaps and will } with Japan ene | that of is 1902 somew service. £ in ere a4 a year reton, ago city Senat recorder, will senta Saustiat lutio ++ O85 as discussed at oy a Baeiee the this délay.in amount. check. yesterday ee ' BpaT a -- getting was the|| gram was paid persus aded pete not not asked , by E The drinking ¥ oun ( 0 IN 2 ry see J eran une: ‘ t p ‘ q % ' ey - by is foolish because he doesn't and it W ill not a . Something * ys hurt . like ten' ; him. "9 et "1): million He experience. learn anything cs18 > ory by 0 ' y 1e Riel rid' W hole his t es { "7 avery age a VSS y ag men ‘ in every mf Z Tl 1e crite 1e aten. wins beatel been and has ‘ : their because "hten ‘the univer ral laws have . Illinois, Del Nebraska, ' t expel bern Connecticut, . . fate ogesn ience enacted ware, ns Kan-as, Y in Rhode . Ohio ‘ * him teach and . of : . + pata r others the and - North « profit k 1oOssbvackKs. % by e th Massa¢ 0 igs ‘ O. and . ee . have tried The and Cee Prohibition ' them: 2+ eee Aftv to ) e : - aieattns as a bechelor, é Par "three fe au to eee his New 1 . people,. found has Texas, Oregon, experience of loo the ang ‘ at umpracticable. been su'y ‘itted . West other that Vi ‘ginia, P P2llow record, pes to the people : has ee ety fol'ow im the r states eet ey | lived oven a thte me jected enoug = pF h Pp drinking darmnkl theBe They Pp rofit by observation. They arg not HEP or ae ; temperate. thinks the inevitable won't happen to him-but it does. . ‘: > on. Let the temperance peovle ‘ of Utah profit by experience ane ee . Ntion as live and learn. The experience of other states does not comune snd prohibi ( ble measure. midPOON DDDDOODDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Le a weeks a ment ' Jive ago, good three to have the Th idress. Pitsburg under : and ¥ many ; peop. speak been them, butul; away - oy, . propa canda, t in which probably th There are some spots im bill Mr./| for carried prohibition will ef in committee, and] attacked may never be seen again, but| names are World oe hele Keats eeerae n American Returning London. : by a one BO *, * 2 J I believe it is the best yet ama troduced in the legislature,"" The a said his' srrran ret of S37 1@ Was exposition home eae Feb. seld 7 tlan he 8&8 In icles! ca ondon, vro 2.-The p into frat ri . wee : severa Pritish Dover had Was » in In and| should of a oon fi league, was the not se liquor Continued op rea n Cee Pree DISENTANGLE of ‘ liquor DOD OOODOOOOOOS, | townships by : 7 wards, = boroughs s an and ~ Seven AFFAI j Wives Many Too Seem Trouble * Chief Cause * Re pub lican Louls, Special -Mo. rhomas rhorna 3o1!n nv" Bol of the Service: inSe the' | hwys ang WH. ik letter tating ry = eee recipient, aad 5 _ that ont pai bYOAdce askin ~ Northwest, d to hit a eeener cat pair oan hem ee ae Bh pigeon yg tation by Miss ae her hom seompany of Yakim hl © iar nildre ad twoOg children Miss Ada pa, 1d of xi Miss Schafe | home near Hitchcock, [thismorelant morning T by vrovides hom while Mr. Fairthat of voters W oa Hs heeanmet eile ee ata Schance to vote. on| Sp the state. of Was sale Busy, BOLIN 15 TRYING TO | shé ] opening of | __----<C Oh , ata ere local arrisawit ea " ‘= option bill, fathered Feet antes 1e at Committee stove toin dock and|of Yakima.» tobeenTilbury | baker ‘Carriage 1 sylvania. at then started session Judiciary steam-|5¢ who broke today.| her Oklal been bill the Head= wi it h ths] man. totc Ste Ls rival He desira ag proposed Joint committee aaa of the. mittee on judiciary and manu oe a commerce at the reag ner, i orm of protest easures going é And fromr lin the Senate ;} no other | tee, but will go to the commit | manufacturing and commerce ag:| ae becoming i he ' € OO colliston or eee mort i 4 , man . few a Hlle-as a civ »ngineer, but fol-} ag a civil en ry aim and a : Sette » came to Xo the 1 aand Nerejyectet aad have ventas lieve | they lawyer said| that in aaah vania, h Washington. th on states ctaten f\| had for them. The ey people of > those () latter's J). haa bows cMturned been a management. arkEwen ] = Th ea aipeie er ns 4nt Phe publication| .|_& wives of ; sno ; does. her || Hibition which Was eum lived | ", in September, 194 hotel she alleges see see , New ana, repeated ‘‘There to me to be the agitatia n for absolute statede ae but) cno 7 bill. ‘ introdu who Gardner, 0tne |t ost End where || in the nce ther reside | staff of the }ing editor position he ioe "ars, ast ‘ New York, Fe 2-John Gilmer career Speed, who occup ied during his newsin the places high a writer as fields, committe ad magazine } paper and shooting himself! | suicide in his apartment } through ine Mendham, a lat the Phoe J He left |} suburb of Mc orris town, 2D but his} of his suicide, explanation om his perhap | relatives that belle oc made infirmities | grow ving physical ne ip e was 65 years old and} are is * es Callers. o says that persuaded yas his legel df his death the Colontal aaa owet Vermont,fe Manesew aaa Dakota . 0 ichigan, akota. South ee Gardner of the S terday, after int: Vermont and New Hamp hire, after trying the law for BLY Yes 1 he rest Wj books. the best known of which were | . ] i S h Daketa did the same. All the res "4 Fall River Incident. Ae DERI iD 1903, and went back to license and régulation. | it . Denver" "The . Horse contributor} } vutor.| . , . z outnae in 1 abandoned dE ? ferris and. excepting Maine, Kansas an' North Dakota have tried prohibition ¢ o e ca a :-class aabeeines a aa ie to al gh-clas agasz They have gone back to regulation, : : ae ie i: ' . 2 ‘tate about trying what all the rest British Steamer tn Coll'ston. > t connected ‘Despondency One to Growing Physical _ Infirmities, Is Probable Cause. ley : for the. Utah, "? said President E WELL-KNOWN WRITER DIES ‘BY OWN Pes Tr} tesson. 1cs-Maine, statesoan following le Island, av introduced lation of the liquor tra aes Tea taaee John Keats, the | Yt | Pes speed was of a well know n) r. Spee ed | pga es, ont itote ee yates Eei writers ao eriverstT en STand journalists Dany we the 3 booze, fought have condition, possible Prohibition a om hie Kc what Iowa, Lake | man dr ink, system. : ; Hampshire, SeService. e - =The ‘co " can 3 his . . foolish 1s8 ample: COUP EIOISORS ecial un.I Special I yet bill is the : Pacific ¥ Temperance pone lero. ‘They are nut Bonbon. Tha, ae nut montasks, The Qty ith iat man BUSINESS atte itteen ( : every about MEN Salt a and the WOlKIng Fret he affal d Mayhard)of thinks ; against 3 2 att" y the fastoeeen, D } P this as ) j > leve, Pacific tis fortune, at his death amounted to|} ROU AR retire | re. eyes Vincent m Sere con-| g - --- 4 all things Mr. Harriman's particularly ap- pet Steataea: the plainti? his opin at i erittnind the ami igi Se aaa it li e the | ihe nethy to f forward é Ft for ib sidered, [wang known, asat! an irs g ulin | have not allowed their jim Great ain ac case 200e an with cane: ibe collides a wath tativ Repre "y pe Sanna Irs. F Hilips my er of ttundreds although and. wife." sons mu ay eee hir no one duestioned his -iden v; dePhillips Mrs. stlLmony. | ducstioned fiero ae Callerv fr. tha jared bie ceor vable dissuad¢ THe almost| and es- ~ 12) e PEL fo RECEI! t ee, rev here tn the suit Pritiips. on behalf ar of Sone anand onopolist ery oe ee n Phil adelphin. = time of his death quarIs the closer Ee iL | Mra.at Phillips she be | . j ap aed of tracti It Is that treet iba hat and forcing be-| 4ns meet| promp tly in go «& special es WELL Wives. Pittsburg, ime ations are be in ie Mrs. William r two c hildr prob the In some Britain By Her the Sechwer IS THER SCANDAL IN oe RE HV LI Call- must do up before line will they how situation. the altBoueh to thats lkey pen rei par shou whatever that eventually should an Advisor in This Case, BILL ith ae ai as one holdings 0 Ae t hea ‘be a me unprofitable, so 1) with sostaince by the federal powers. The | Cabinet ehHereford,, is: eagerly, aw alt-| | time aa ta areca Sees ut dae ao one ‘At | vs r the Ss 2 llem It | | tors Mak- yesterday the in c council-at proposed over ---- 5 Mr. Mr. the Southern you cansiier all this, paselatic sentiment is or ee teat America Se tad in Committee Has Its Han as Full and Should Act Only the Britain that on,at Great nel Sati ge esi should or aath not hig ef ro) ities the one : quarre a into oe The {mprovements. pecially as regards ; liowed for-this depart- | States S: a a a g ene eee Me mbeDore ‘ less nities: : ae le ast $200 000 hh _ 7 % roa y or vlands an re- before t__buy by tho min statement h the sdignity Objection ls That the Judiciat feeling in. the matter. to remem nat "Mr. aid continued s purchased bi in which he> attacied thig l Mail," President. X sub- lso erred r eae f; GOV-! City of 4 ed ‘board its . ; z Jed list Included fcre-the city John and nore d niga et ‘app I 2 ) ON tw | a ing of Budget. oo LAW doé t thi l r ' er E ‘ conti > CACHE COMM: SSIONERS continus ) Sees for Ha by the was . sufferer end | i am New YoFav VIGE credit ae to com- abusing an nothing California coe areca oakevada, Ee oe oe tweet y the Un'ted States. last condition Dee at vada atone The ei The "0 caueaieof5 Gethe be Nevac af! ght ap = : a that ‘other states og Ly Tobey reds -~ of Nevada. is recognizec Dy ‘tw tims work eee, of he board into Thurs cutae Sil) | ing: were after ide ntific hi every department of the city, SE passed There the that RATIONS Suffer ernment E fore- Borah adminstration APPRY 6:30 m..to 6:00 p..m.,|g result and of rest a.Intervenineg The] money, -- ‘ Bodies Department Every Haine fares ide than legislation Cal for % paped chance bic 7 wena the' , mouth heart-rending nding | drastic 3 fir iit | leave for ow York today, -carrying | Nevada hig! cetaetcene At least one ; vernment; againgt..2.).the prin ed ‘ponds, igned by himself Be ‘cae ‘conte m| member th of 3 th é } delewation | |:ference w na Bransford, 8. John Mayor and laW of a un disator ! énetime serv 2 of . + : ¢ z orth $600,000 tas s00n'as plated the sending of te That tk filed today ' a r nst' the | se tp cote York atsieiahe leg'slature . protesting 4&5 1 ite | e I ee aes City re and te against peka & Santa: Fe ral lroad Sess ies eee are aN I ssolution in. its present form b would: this that ided re tj bank. National Clty the in them if) ana charged are tions fines aggregating $3.500) was found that the city has a rebate} was dec . terferenceix and. thn te leraeinher a =p in of as|species bonds on the coming» $5,135.20 of employes! road The 6 tt 2-- eT passed Ne tion 2.- at. of who that willing re i gt 1 What: congtees| 4 in Washing ojusti: n: busin with th a H rcting aid today é : esistant to: Col Birkin be Senate. ee SE Mean veces ar tee ae wexed Tuesday, oe Se at Saltoar Lake, i et rhe. Geass nt yon the FeBrowns-| torney coal fraud () 23, fora final vote UE ae os ile Divenate passed the House bil 10) "colonel C. E. Loose of Provo, chat AQ pro al the eateithera torsred ably {} CUT Os people Japanese, state and } mt Washington. seb outs ont ldren ‘ nt i ea ¢ When to ere ib PROMINENT UTAH Bill. Feb, ieeo the perfectly DODODOOOOOOODOOODOODOODDOOOOOCK i Vv ney Ge arn Washington. rather \fornia: ! INFORCING dispatcher t ire de- | by p ox Famous ho hy 272". Se ote et ealt it V fe ty e ; Mine AP ised hy .a aingrenay ins| to| ring prep feroaten within ite and all Cnhicage UBS ' for" ilroadting I patel S, t mal 1a sterk ind nd be yt} ‘ edt HAVE. A BUSY DAY Ej on 1 tent for Fina Brownsville have that like the in that be' & equent calls, e py CONGRESS Is Fi xed Date rhis ef ESAT OF HOUSES Pp! « a 1.)l- port r t asa t 4 = * nen 3 ative dt in is geome o jf © eC end 1 his ie} a tt I I lo eee oc 1 on known would Senator . -_- ficer a iE o , . OON'- in < ‘ ‘ I GOVERNMENT And ent H ee r brough ou sept the accident ‘ hi it t} 0 ontioved daw The President's visitors from Mayor West today ere mer Phelan of San Franeise o, Representaand Sentive Knowles TS . ifornia, None of the or Borah o aho, Sie - BRLOe wa sae n ee th. y* &. 1 1D : re a Oe i n yorhood. vil j Oy" expiosion ( 1 9° nd dur , eal ny ch Ss 4 tre ! fternoon. | tay i the yprieto i -c alarm asses FUTURE BILLS WILLGO TO LATTER tunis ponsidertEs the ene every vi arriman said ear"Schwerin, I simply can't haul that fla 10se were Mr. Harriman's very #," sald Mr. Schwerin. "Ele is too patriotic to a.iow the 4 merican fi to be replaced by the Japanese upun he Pacific Mafl fleet, di ee he ve meant its elimination from. the merhant rin = =e pap 1 ao believe. his vitics wou e m Killing Two Men-Heart- | succeea in overthrowing the: minigtry emo , val IO Or! aes hole lefective Keli} ; name | i und i . +| ae : I ¢ pur he wh + rit of an Ep loal mit in he-« a mines ROE; the . y ate ee imhteer I le ve r : ferce v was'As the thee SoSc flerce +440 ath the . n ) x | day . resi-| fourbs called. th 1 ith. quar 1a an $44 peal d 1 I . cause iecrabied being assailed ‘‘h of oved R ~ whitevand dan others five. two dead, nad wind Vy + /|-plac o r ood- On 1 ; I measly 444 r : ; Mou Ss a.,~Fet ningham aa jured, pe ri or fand:$|t| ‘atrects Lone fie i i og case. Winey ats. casual pass- der thin oO i +) + . ovate 44+ t t so B td >#) ):men « 4 0 iecein th areal Hoot Dur den | ex' meet sy , i hour O Aiatrib other. h PROT: Se 1 ere + at re { + | +) being stirects + yesterday," of the + ° oceurred ,-citlen; moan with a o aiscans loathsome that even the ronrked the|'+ ro m Bar sei oe not rges an ri ol are the thece iS+ Sree, walk to lowed evel charged I as 96 t be E Pacitic cene a ai rat be suafferer freedom of reported aod unreported is ncrensing every week, An a are carelessne ss the of «tune would be classed as erimina ou |:+ | + Scene + +++ 44+ ++ +0)ri + of ‘city ‘board Lake bythe the of cases number while ;+ mmy when t tah, - 1 ne£ elg| freight , ; Francisco hit than' ommon point points mmon. th rates ap re itn rat f a that,-Utah fo. York + > + tr ioaity "Rates." See Rates. Commodity Be AT } le meso contah oi het cent one-half and yorene + . rending * A : ++ ++ Sumlipox allowed the Lontagl g € +++ + Salt ++ of health, reight fot im pric good for Sal i soe pa Deeniger rans ve Baro + + g readin wT tree UrBes.: veeiocrtnlig respecifull Bae etition S they cheered ‘ cat and Dumb st tern From! renarn ane Dear sets forth rhe eople of Utah ‘ fate Cota aie unreasonable rt ecnataieinsfreight via ae Ce e ; ous Flames Shoot From Mouth of Mine, Piette of ane to turing and Several Senators Enter Their Protests. guete rom nestl down of distinct. fear therefore, that the fire i n the West might spread in sympathy with the sentiment in California. D E L E AR N E N E E T N E V E S y g Om, FC DECLINE te eae Reta well 3] If no action ts take. : the railroad prreatives or oat, iken is not suffictent in + the judgment oe the. inate ‘ous $ +> ub ext: cur is hy sth today promising. state - reply which is recelyed railroad executives. iis merely the oy. nas mens romana ah ca + deal a would truculence Nevada vaulting into the arena, however, and a chanee that Idaho may join, there was enough in the situation zeke io actions will the statement aho do not: are numerous the railroad presidents, The pe- +) tition ae tomperate ip ianauage, it : bureau that epes idee S recites facts, not cone aiee. Future the the nt nac + + taffic --_ busi¢ ae night + + + the -- pected modify the alleged the Mikado. With _ toll ee last z e. the petition +) + . mat- rates tiled to Bureau a tin freight Japan heretofore that the antlJupanese feellng existed only in San Francisco- ‘and it was ex- 4.64444 ter trialiy "He nde sate to - ° square because jas * into the fight ! Committee of Judiciary and Manufac- New York, Feb, 2.-Representative Schwering of San Francisco, vice president and general manager on the Pacific Mall Steamship company, who ts here conferring with his chief on the future American commerce in the Pacific, declared today that patriotism alone prevented &. H. Harriman from selling the Pacific Mall to the Japanese when they offered to buy It some time ago, Mr. Schwerin sald that the Nipporese steamship interests were anxious to acquire the Pacific Mail, which had not been making money, and that he and Mr... Harriman discussing the proposition med a ye op- 644 45555644 ratte +40) ¢ Making good the declaration + of is manager, Stephen UW. Bab+ coc that the demand for a CONFERRING Washington, Feb. -The war blast of the Neva "legislature Standing by California Japanese agitation caused adminstration today to pay special attention to that part of the United States. The cabinet discussed at length the entrance of Nevada it ch ve eeeadametere ARGUMENTS ARE POWERFUL * MEN DHFF 444444 4444444444444440 and Asks mThat They Cease, | ¥0-09-48950%0 000040404 It Is Sent toa .a Jett -_ NEVADA Petition Sets Forth the Inius-| tices. Practiced. Upon Utah : Business. Men by Railroads a REFERRING IT. RAISES STOF Jingo PaParty in Japan Is Loud in to Sell Profitless Criticism of United States Refuses | Steamship Company to and Serious. Situation Mav the Japanese. Ensue at Any Moment, AS MERELY OPENING GUN OF HOT CAMPAIGN COMING ° HARRIMAN <HOWS HIGH PATRIOTISM LITTLE YELLOW | MEN ARE ae his 2 ae ent cont Cw "ith Miss on a Schafer, to 4 whet : 2 4 |