Show young you ng hunters lose sleep now that tle the hunters are returning from the mountains many are the tales told of or played one old heater was telling his friends the other day elay of a prank be he played on a young and energetic hunter from new york a roan man who believed he know knew all there waa was to be known of wild animals of the woods every day this ambitious young hunter would go on the hunt for deer alone and return with tales of the boot footprints prints and other signs signar he bad had neen of deer within a short distance of the camp every livery depression among the leaves on the ground every beat turned over and every twig snapped was a sure sign to bla his mind that deer had been on tho the ground perhaps a whole herd of them early very early one rooming the old hunter arose aul aly and look took with him tte tle hoot hoof of a deor deer that he be car tied ried with him for luck a big bucks hoof hoo hoofard fand and crept li j the teal tent ot of the young hunter where he be made imprints on the soft ground all around it many times around it went the hoot footprints prints and then off into the woods when the young hunter arose in the morning and saw the prints clear and distinct ho he said nothing auf decided that he would sit up that night and shoot hi the big buck and so ret get ahead of his companions especially the old hunter who thought ho he knew know so touch much lie ile eat oat up that night and many oth cr er nights in the alter cold while his companions compan jone slept peacefully and chwi fort ably under good warm blankets the old hunters after six nights was merciful and told the young man matt that it was all a joke sending a young hunter on a cald windy night to a tree on the edge at 0 a pond a mile or eo so off and telling him to sit it there during the night as on such a night the deer and perhaps moose were sure mare to appear in a an U other favorite scheme of cough he be in to told d t that at t the e rest 0 his a compan ons are to bo be in other trees a few rods distant but be Is to be sure not to call and if ha did they would refine refuse to answer him then bis his companions go back to camp and sleep well and long while be he sits all night in a tree |