Show i HE WORK wuk I 1 OF VF L LOCAL CAL CLUB r why all business mea become bl members embers of the price commercial club much good will be accomplished complis hed much good is being bein ace accomplished e for price as d tha this section of utah QT b the tb commercial club of arice every busl ness men man in this city should be vm aminem em her and assist in the boosting yok from all parta parts of the fate state cornea comes the F ocho of the good that Ws this and othar lt lite e are doing botn aa and the nan i ho docs not join Is bt andine in hia his own if ht and some time he will eee see the tho error of his wa way 2 there are many things chiq h c cefi be taken up by tho local club there ia Is work for every lody it is he trillia bureau bf if salt lake Lalo city all ask the local club to waist tham 16 I 1 the work or of rates from the railroads it Is s 40 stated that thia this work will be accod dished end wl ei the lh good ta Is do doe arf due adit groht v ill III will bo be chiv she local club rhe club is ut at present It for tha the change chane eif c f tho the mall mail roula tom f om alack black giloramo Gilo CI orado raco to this city al chuh itah W ill acan an in ii business and sUge laior tl d ere cre is I 1 a ireat great work of ader t aing sing aich is to be doo dole for thorf see tion of tho the state ani this can IZ beet be lone form of comrad lal nen inquires ara 1 into tile railroad and slid reaDe offices from people incho in the east eastra rf are ai 1 k ing for the beat location to their noney and make home homes when good tle litera liiri ia is sent to them from tho office of a commercial club it la Is safe to say that thit people will take notice of the statements mente mule and investigate vesti gate the country which ia Is adver t eed sed and when the truth is told bout this section and people aee see tharl great ecat possibilities the population will increase at an onor enormous moma rate Z much civic work is to be accomplished by the club in connect connection lon with tho the city council it ta Is saad to bay sar that when hen a body of commer olal club work era ers abend a request to t tie e council it is desalt with very favor bly the city 3 electric lighte lights a betterment ti I 1 t e W way y ol 01 waler water eap ply aill beveral bove I 1 0 tr etters need nood at petition th a tera will a up and developed ty tho the commercial corn merci lub of thi this 1 city thia this is a reason resso n why the pet pede tie of had h city by all means no bonneted Onu Onn ested eted with this or jarn gariN tion atlon 1 1 0 |