Show ON cattle ga gale e news A fare ell party uns riven to mi ali va 1 sir mrs william wednesday iotha they arc are soon boon to depart for or awson now mexico mr or arrester rester has a position aith ith thy the daw oi fuel co hi ili i position po ellion 9 for the tile utah im i h hi ming corked for for ever 1 I I 1 ai are aia a mr andars worrester lor cater rester atri prose tej with a set of ilva irwan aal mr wr worrester rester ost cr afta ith ss wt t of flie silver t was teil by the Caille Cast legate eato peole wit tile il rawin drawl y the e niini acs at salt bonke lity t atho tile t there waa aa muc music tary tellina telu iff dancing and feasting thy the furnished shed by y tifa price school orchestra those present from rico ere bir an I 1 mra Gwllym jones Jonee afisa 11 dr E C burkholder Burkho liler len fen Bal ballinger linjer vern whitmore Whit moro and arid liver harmon the annual K of P ball will illbeg bo riven iven at tho hall liall tonight and the usual big Is aci octia di 4 baby girl haa has arrived at the homo home of prof toun bend I 1 1 T D spalding aeu kiver river waa was i price tha th first fifthe th week meek look looking iniz for abood quod team aiwas u as unable to got get yat he judge G 5 Nelin swen t city friday a X n AS mrs idill J 0 fos sett 13 a bum no 1 ro pert y n ra to clean bearl if ter d ditches schei n a to be read i ir r sark 1 it irrigation 1 john john forrester haa has moved in anti inti U the formerly occupied by G W ft i la is a I 1 estabi ant aal 11 N ill ll von class ye act business R as u su ftfe tha the biddins vacated by him ill be e o culled by joe barboulis Darbo Barbo glis ot of 1 with john in ili charge etc bower haa has gore to seattle washington aning among th visitors at tha the dance j 1 1 night at thomas hall were mr air to rc and mr carruthers Carru there of helper arthur of price druco hascure haa ed new thoua a anja n I 1 dullar dulla r eoda fountai four tai 1 I r the summer r I 1 I 1 are the representations and statements ments of the said county and it is 13 hereby further averred and represented that the said county of carbon id Is a body corporate and politic tc duty duly created and existing under and by virtue of the constitution and the laws of state of utah it is hereby further that an annual tax shall be levied in the year A D 1909 by the board of county commissioners nors ani aril in each and every year thereafter and collected accord ing to law so long as the bonded indebtedness debt edness 0 anapa any pat pa t thereof her hero in its provided td for remaina remains unpaid sufficient to pay the interest 01 o 01 1 such indebted ness as an it fala falls due and also to constitute t te a sinking fund for the p ament of the principal thereof within beyty years from and after the time of con tr trading acting the aid said indebtedness that the chairmen chair mn n of the board of county commissioners of carbon county the count clerk of eaid said county and robert forrester be and hereby are authorized aut and directed direct cd to have the said bondi together with the coupons attached thereto in manner and form as herein provided enacted this dakof day of march A D 1909 BERNARD ERNARD 13 R mcdonald I 1 chairman of the board of count commissioners of carbon county attest DAVID J THOMAS C K X JENSEN GWILYM JONES clerk mra airs thomaa thomas fouts who has been quite sick with heart trouble the past is now on tho improve the three month months old baby of mr and mrs carl gunderson GL died monda corning from whooping cough th remains wae was taken to mt pleasant their former home for burial A snappy low quarter shoe hoe in the patriot line made of all patent leather over the cottage last one of these sar star brand oxfords that fit close find snug at the ankle and wont rub the heel nothing feela feels quite so good and so cooler cool en a mans foot as a well weli fitting low quarter shoe this at ie is 3 00 mr and mrss mrs S S and children of provo rave fave mo rno ed out un on their ranch in soldier candon cannon for the summer I 1 ahe he rocky mountain telephone co baa has not sold out in eastern utah but have bave increased their holdings so manager harmon says all our lady customers are going to be better pleased in ladies foot footwear weal this season than ever before we have a larger stock consequently more style atlle to choose from the etyle style jeanng qualities and low trice rice of our ladies lit lies shoos shoes are the things which have badt our ur Shoe departs Department nt the poat one in town toan se ef tha society shoe for 50 at price gop coop co op S 14 it T fw Y k continued continued from page I 1 2 that for forthe he po wee of bulow a M completing I 1 furnisher furni urnis shir hir county I 1 in and for ji county of car carbon state of lat utah price the county eat seat of eaid said county coant at that said nid county count do crate a bonded tt debt edness in fn the earn sarn cf forty a dol dollar larr and for or sah e purpose do issue forty 40 bonds the sad said county atthe of the 0 61 one thou thousand land 1 1000 dollars ach tach to t be known aa as series A and numb tre consecutively from ore 1 to forty 40 both numbers inclusive g bonds and each of them wl shall be in n ti tb following ak words worda and figures number 0 se see ies UNITED STATES all A state of utah low county of carbon ij t t im N the county of carbon n in the state U utah tah for value received recel o 0 q i pay or order at the office the treasurer surer of said c county in rr carbon county utah on tho the drat A of 31 may aay A D 1929 or nt at any time fore that date and after the first of may alay A D 1 at the if the cid county the aum sum of oro ahi sand dollars 1000 1000 gold coin of ta united states with interest et at ui rate of five 5 per cent per annaa annum payable at the office of said treasury trea sura semi annually on the first lay ajr of f may and the first day of november 5 each year on presentation and der of the interest inte reet coupons hereto i tit ditched ched this bond Is issued by tk board of county commissioner in n to to a resolution of said boua dated the day of march 1909 1909 SQ a under authority conferred upon 9 board by the provi of an eu the legislature of e entitled act to revise and amend and codify ta statutes taut of utah oved march lita A D 1897 and specifically tilt tiit section 0 of the said sali ail 4 designated 4 section of chapter 3 of title 12 11 ft the revised statutes of utah of I 1 K aud as S atio action n of chapter 4 of till 15 of th tha compiled j of the mm of utah of 1907 and also lea under division 32 of Chapter of the kalon S laws of the stat stati of utah of 1 otherwise known and design designated ateA sul 32 of section se of ter 4 of title 15 of the compiled L lj of tho state 1907 iff imf bel benr n division 3 32 39 9 of an act of the legisla legie latan of utah entitled oarl an act to glew ni section of the revised statutes utah 1898 1899 relative ve to the 8 power powers of board oil of county ere MR which said raid act waa was approve apprel march A D 1903 in testimony mOdY whereof the said cou cobal by its board of county commission commis sionA has caused this bond to be signed 1 the chairmen of the board and att attend by the county cleric clerk with his abal jacw this day of march BERNARD it R MCDONALD McDON ALP i seel chairman an of boari board i county commission attest GWILYM JONES covney clerk ch rac M 1 and to each of said bonds ahall shall attached a coupon toe for each in stair t C of interest contemplated conten con plAted by bv laid wh ch eaid said dupons coupon oh ahall safi be bumber number sr consecutively form one 1 to to oi 40 both numbers inclusive ard ei e coupon lithall contain the data of merit of t tritt no mid interest p and the be nai ti berof her of the bond to which it is said Sald coupons and each of them shag except aar aff to dates of payment numbers numb num beis eie in the following for ona ww and figure figu to wit coupon number the treasurer trea aurer of carbon cou utah will pay to the bomer hereof the he first day of november No 1909 at office in pricey Price carbon county count afe ufe twenty five 25 2500 W dollar of tho the s united state for tnt creat county bond cumbe numbe IL mcdonald McDON ALB chairman board a conty commis as on treat JONES county clerk said bonds and coupons and etl e acm em ehalt shall be and stint by the afi chir i the board of or county commission ivied and by tho we county cl carbon county aid uld said bonda bonds e scaled with the fecal soa of bounty clerk of the said sail brunty ty chairman of the board of conaty conn t y lissio ners ra i is hereby a arid hr id r 0 O w red and directed to sign and an d I 1 1 aid county clerk to elyn and at a tie t e said ald e bonds coupons ard rd each hern and the said county clerk is heo i by ll 11 a thore zed empo cred and dire to affix x hie III cist eael to the bonds and each ach of t ien lern and the of the said chairman of the spid id b of coty anti and of tk said sald clerk of carbon arb county ae authorized and direct ei hereby so and hall shall be tho the acts of the aid ca j county alf all the covenant statements ad depre ions and aap ments in the ead said bonda and con and all the recitals and contained ned baroin are ate bergby a ind and ft it 1 Is hereby at damned declared ahat aid said covel coy onal and tn in affif bonda bonds ww nd coc contained cont alneA ere are a tbs co e nante nants of the f raid aid county count of C earbon abate of Uta badh ibe the pre teona and e n lank Z ta b |