Show THE LIMIT OF cautiousness liveryman demand demands proof of hon honesty sty from man who would fire trapped hone horses the man who refused to b raved from drowning because he had bad never been introduced to his big would be re res cuer wae was an incorrigible bohemian bohe compared wit with the liveryman the corn com merceal traveler met oa on hie his last trip west one bight night the livery stable caught alre the stable was old the fire had made considerable headway before the alarm was turned in and it seemed inevitable that moat most of the borses horses must perish to the ih Ili eryman cry man who stood in the street cursing and wringing bla his hands an athletic alb letio stranger rushed up and tell me la in what part ot of the build ing log your best beat horses are stabled and I 1 will save some cf of them the liveryman ceased lamenting and eyed the stranger suspiciously auspiciously sir said he can you produce proof that you are square in your horse deals square hell bell said the stranger and dashed into the stable NN ith the assistance si sli tance stance of a fireman he be saved fire horses but not until they were safely stabled elsewhere did the liveryman cease to suspect the stranger of borse stealing ealing at |