Show FIRES SHOT AT BOSSISM I Governor Higgins of New York Publishes Scathing Criticism Criticism cism of Odell I Alban Albany N. N Y Sept 9 The The split In in the Republican party part In Iii this state was v made more acute tonight when Governor Higgins in a bitter attack on former Conner Governor Odell openly charged the latter with having planned planned plan plan- ned nell while governor s and amid also aiso while chairman of oC the lie Republican state committee legislation for personal r reward wad and amid revenge He lie also de declares tie tie- dares clares that Odell turned on PIe President Roosevelt and himself when he Odell found he could not u use e them for fur his own selfish ends Standing on the lie record of or his a ad administration ministration which he lie says was managed man maim aged ell without the assistance of or a boss hoss and with satisfaction to tho the public the lie governor says sas Last winter r public welfare Italo was VM not nt subordinate to th the lie welfare of or party 01 sanitation Legislation was not a system of or personal rewards and re revenges revenges revenges' re- re The result was creditable but hut it caused a slump In the time value of at bossism which depends lepentIs upon the ability abili abili- ty Iy to deliver the goods Governor Higgins then declared that lint the tho bosses turne turned angrily against the he President and himself when they found It impossible to use uso either for Cor their own selfish cn ends s. s Declaring that the Republican party is Iii h in danger of oC returning to the old system tem of uC bossism the governor concludes concludes con con- The Republican party has an abundance of oC capable honest homiest and amid loyal byal loy by- al aJ men any an one omme of ot whom will If Ir nominated carry curry the time state by a no plurality plural plural- It fly ity of oC upwards of oC but ho lie must mUsi come conic before the lie people as a Republican lican of character and principles untagged Untagged un tagged h by an any boss bOSA |