OCR Text |
Show ee F RIK ele] ale Ros |} Bo "oa :RE 3 NAME AND LOCATION. tl) . 40 | as4 | (BOOK |: 23/Thoburn, H. ae --~ - : : io 4 1 i . cee Me ae 9/28) Flot, > William vais we Har, Sol08 [Esvinesten, ‘Mrs. Rim leo eeesoveuert Wa 39/23] bal 39/27) 02)9 4; 4s 2.62 e9 5.26 2.8 40) 499 1a 17.55 87 PEP - 1.75 3.5 2.f2 Al. and zie] Kelsey asp 9)§ trecai ral tea asf ‘ a Knowlilen, nk ; sple lea re Bee / -eorge fae ees .....-..eeeeceeeeev Mary I": 65/20) Miller, 57 6.61) 1.75 SU) B61] 2.10 31] 8.61} 6.25 35 Os 210 87 1.22 2.10 4 5) so =35 5.26 2.62 rie Pee "A <es ‘$7 } ‘ : . 2g] ener snnenen's «|| Giyiacvegdvess it4 So Donne HL, & ae nS Cor ne LOe Oe eae SD re On a Me es Lo ah oe |. 12/14 South Side "Grocery Caer ierai Be SR TOs SixaeewePs sy ea "s varle >, brewing |Co., | & 75.99 4.48 | 45.98 at 51} ae 58) sea csavnsneysalaes ses Stary ee ie eans Candy son "sharles 7|Sherman, i s8l10(Gorrie, Henry AG pions Carmen Co. . Edward Ts |F'redrichson,mnd Louis Coed 1;/Crisis:a{ olor: pulaal le 4 Pel POST OS ese as | zac dleat EF Te "Co Soo} akteenie & ef 30} How: ed Ss osep William A. John 1JRobinson, iwchanean Wie L. Ho eas .... A een oe f ; Pree weeae : o : 44/26|Leib, Frank ase ' H., woke ae se} his wefea} Jbuchon, 60) rn August Ernest Joseph Robert W. W. gq) we gg | Grenade Px Ibis 4 Re Gol. Mr Bie eo RaaCRRTNRES BN i% We eee [58 )258) 58 58 | 68] Aosta tran Weat abvipseal cece featS L anny ybers go\34|Gillesple ol < CR H. se. aee Com oss yliua) aie 61/14) Mic klinburg, BON iley, Mr bal Bs a 51] Bl} 51) 1.0. 13 Bl 51} | (D1 51} . Z. BL 4 ; 7.02)". 4 3) 62/29 Ke : = 64} 6 )¢ ‘lays, 64) T/Glenj) % Mowler L i 64/19 ; ‘ 2.52.5 wae \sss.ce+e ; Sesnasieansseeeaseas[ Earnest,..W Chilvers, Ne oe ca h gh sony ess uci et Ja arate F., and Son. Gilfillan 2: 5S ian eS fe negated Race ele {70 1210 TO} a70 ps 21.06 1701 "702 Rete ae Lhe 7 tthe ee mal = % Oe 1.170 1; (70 : *agtel ‘! ie 70.Belt20 Fee 195 Bi 35.10 Simony< LOUIS <4. -*- Rs Shansarr tt.ay rte ( Fae ON Oe Oe ee Robert anham, 3.5 pus doll seen AE EY AR eS Be , oe seseeegecels .6.e ee. aiges's hele .B., c lark, 13 a George<C,, ink; 87 Allee v.s.i-.04 40 Kirby, Henry . nota, i pits ccetwanip | %/28\ Johnson, Christine . 5... ¢ vewtedeves joel sha6 Room Lunch 1 Dairy 32 7 5 ‘4 ...,.....0. 0305 je} Telegram Evening he O., John aga axand 6|Houghton, oY Wi yee f sale\-* y 66. ceeeesere vot itteec! _Sons 87 veetonrerelye ¢ 7 S7 eubie wee ddam bed i j oe es bakas skies ceseles|@l] ibd obese Hemae 101/4\Burns :, cicdicslsiceve Ov 101/24/ Bemis, HCUTrIG. < .ccdecor a LOLS ETarmion: a0 86 t71 elc - Ltn 14.04z Rs : : % | 5 68 "OS 108 59| 8 Elmer selgie sev pnecs art. SI] sieoce "Marg GPBE sacdigend, vecsactecscalas 81/11) Le Bij. kp ators ppahics $1/12| Lawre aed e, Mrs. M.V., 81/16) Fitzhugh, Henry ey ene oy Rs $1)21/ 1. De MUCCayewes geese éeeswes 81|2s)Loberg, Mrs. Li A.!...:c.0.. 81/29 Cams nein e ve (95), oe aN y, hee ne tteddciedadacene's and Smith' C.iR 1 BOI 2.62)) 59 69 5 2 62.05 4 59} Bap 2.62 §: u es 59 ae ie 61 = "13 102} A. = see pute and vest 85/24) Andrew, BI. 69 69 4{Wilson, John 104(25/Schwitzy, : 59 59 5 : mlasletine" Clive 69 69 /87.| 105).2)Taylor, Samuel 7}.105) 4|Goodwin, Mary 59) 5 af ga 59| Sion yeua ues Finance Co....... and' CO. cecnncuhes; san Lund, ‘stining ea [a snOw en, | 104/14, Colbath, "er,| 108/16| ETarris, Th C.; 35.10 | $5/a1)Sterling, Guy 2..:....0, 1 8532 Reynold JM. 59Sica aa«as|4 60 " 2, esays ‘lant, 69 mis star Loan 64} 2} 60) 60) 75 |: 2.10 87] 87| 601 6.43 Siac 60! 2.97| 60 62 o 2.61] 2.62 4.88] Bae 7 . 10, SF 86 2\Int 5|Tarbet, Dr. $7/12\Steele,' Go ical ds, Land. eect Co. E. Curtis r_ ees 5 Sate ah aati oe T1 9} 38.42 61 6) 61 61 61 Nar 9) 90} 2|Cormel, sreines 9/12|Nunn, D Ww oo)i6|rsicine. ‘Bros 7.02 9.64} DOr 2.62| sles [6 61 +75 61 90)23}L.9 40 61 21. a 81 >2 61 2s Frantia 90)23\Haml n, : J. . 991| 10%) 6Senior, Mr WiGAslenlarrise Sent ee s 1We19|Marks Mrs M. EB 107/24\Reckmeyer, G. : 107/23) Hope oe Co 197)33|Great Western Lyceum Bureau 108/85] Mi ummoth 7 1, 14 3.32 Co 2a'C 100 Ellsworth .... 0... Sern RUAN. AQUHUD ole r eee 4195 | 109)28) Ad: 18) 3) Looe 61) 61 61 61 il 14. 92/344] 92 a *2\4¥4|Home Investment Co: 2 5 Matthews Candy 9$2)11}Hook, Louis .......... .26 |, 110) 1 ‘5y| 10}: Wetzle, W. Aves 119}15}S Re' B: 0 87. 0/16 Shoshone = Power ‘Se 21. r. C 92/13 oe 10 a2 M)Hall, 2) 16 Hissin waits Kin 92 3.5 2, ia 2 62) Bs a ; 3 ay . 25 t 62 OBoi6}a) =abo" x zu 2. § Ghieakees Tim Cafe 5 . Es cvecbiceses 2]: > 93) 7Chan, EB 42. ?. ae cccsenes a3 Me panei, Henry 93|I8\IKee Ock. », Merial Ipayd A 932 pi Mares! A. GE. a Eos Goldle eller. Brothers 93)32 Daniels, Madge : 6)Talamantes, Roberts ; | Tuc vis 11/21; Wonder Udlinary a 11/26)Held Engra inary me A : 111)27| Carstenser Aa 111) jos} A Allen, 3 ennen &Go. oe ‘ag | 211/29|Weste relry : a0 111/30/Cumr fom Sewalry ra & a A 7 6.6 | 16-85 ena ne al 94 1/McGinnis; J.B... 4) ; 25. teced ends & Herst... ; ,;; = 14.04 ae a . 17. 17: _ 62 63 ; t : ac :5 63 63 rH 64 63 64 64 Gt 64 a 17. : 10. ‘61| "a7 14.04] ; ; , ' 4.33| 96] 9\Levy Br SB nearer ni es 4 Os nian eee eae oes ee ean ‘bg | 96/16) Whit co 4 96.17/Whittemore and Se 4198] 96/13/Cherrinngton, Pennel Ms. 96/22|Shimm a) i21| . s6lgalGallacher, Joba MAO f. iol 70, rey \70 aol "Pol Coe uco con. oy a i - es, . 113/2% i We bb, Trabien 208 5 ii a r 11334 People's Cinati phing _ 4 NSE Cae: ya co s Forward 114/12|Carbo. Med allac. Pe | 14/17) - Co. 87. 219. 4. nd Cc aA far ticreeta Ee 76} 214]/18|Marix, 76: 14/21/Hepworth, J. & So a) . Gee Mrs. C. W. i . il 4. "| >| 76) oo"yo! gay See ssceceosnsfeelva} TL --{ 76] 9199 eae \ . a os | r 83. 6 12, 8 te | 76) 8g. 76) 114-07 78) 15 6) og.a7 3|Backman, J. C. ne 115)5| sRaulkner, 115| 7|Crow ‘Bros. Saddlery us|14|Field, f 21, siseh Gls. i ; + a af 8. i islet Twahasbl, os. 2..0.: tah Lithograph 114|22)/Hickcox, ‘ "g9| 114|25|Bowring, W. Jter} 114l27/Levy, Adolph -as.z9 | 1433| Fowler ‘og | 1a/s4 Froysland, M. 0. -26] 115{ 1/Anderson, Fred. 48.42) 115] 2/Sneddon, Robert 10.53}eabie 15 as a 113| 4|/Pierce, Critchtow & Barnette e. al micrett CD Bt As ey etlacs © ards dl ephen 824, Wood, L..8 mage , oo 76) 5: ae eee ae 1 12. : ular 13. 63 ‘erry chew ccaes 21.0 :% ‘ 10. 6.21 63 63a se . vag. 3 111/34) Blectric Wire 111\35|Thirteenth eng Fixture Co 22 63 rs wi Ca Gas ; 21. 15. * 92 a2/MeGinnis, JB 93] 2 ase . 98 alLane, Tillie. oe as 93] GjSing Quong Wo Co. .... 15) 4.03] ele, 10} 4 'D Javis,"G 110} : |Waddell, 49 | M0 7iColtier, B. 92/27 einmarian. a oa ra 998 15 62.65 293.15 ran 61 61 61 v2"7 ae noite Co 91/26) 91/29 91 30/Rowe, "99 40] "57 G| ww» vcercuee ee ee (reresoe ea Music inst " "02 25.10 3 a . ee ai 61 61 a" ° ..... L.. See ee J O. Ee 62 2 4)Moyer, 6\Cutler, B1ie3/ An de Mining 109)14|/Tre wick, a 6.85 157.95 91] s/Scott, 2 | 106/32). 106/34|0'C onnor, ae 207 2\Jensen, EE. a 107) Sandberg, Ida . tot enderson, Annie 10816 Burton, he 1S|22\Jeremy, 108/26|\Coop, Stee 1.05} {6 90/35/Youn tac Alice 2.19] 1W8|32\Balley, J. 12.23.) 10°) 4|Gessford, 3/21 | 109] 6Jensen, H. 21.06 09| 9 Van Sant, leet 2. » {6 S013) iA cERAatnS, , 61 -.... ete Os aS el Ce 298) cei G8 Will eee ce ee ae 10S|14/Sweet Canndy Co.. 19.30 6.31] 8.77| 10} 99/17) He ul & G. Sennen ee mn ae 40} 90)20/Sin Cine eee ee MN ‘05 | 90/21 West ‘and. ‘MeCarroii. 22 Pa oak 05 i38|Goodrue ire. er ees | antes Mrs. Dena Le siNe sunie ver, 1. A. i 6.26| |e Winer Keen : i} 4[Smith, 10.53| IB 1.75] 1.40} 1.40| 1.05} 22.81 scee Peart s "Matilda: Ceara nati i vl eeaiada 7.02| 6.13| 5.26 | Mand) {..{69] 69} 169] ‘ BONN Nora ep 33) Be rgman, oa ad 5.2 5:26 3.51 1.41 1.75 165 Cora............... 2... eee Ser : es Sst ae aaa or peseesi re ichane Josephine op 3. sate o ace eae ee 403 28 Del. one mete Etnlth ve. 21 : ss{12|Green, or TO ees \6 s\i5|Honerine Tunnel and Milling Co. vt lea ssleaiGriffithy C "6 $|24| Pembroke eee sojli|Lohridge, Mrs. : 89 14|Hopkins, Dr. 21g |° S0/31/Abernathy, J, ML.... 60 60 60 Frederick cman te acd een .<.séssssssscciecssscane. as |Monroe, 86 882 iTurnwall oe is seen 12.38 Sines i. a ne "oe 29| Leon Be ee de $3)2 1/Guaranteed Home Bldg. Co... , Eady 39} olste: ‘k, .75 |. $9) 80 60 60 105 a 2ra 02 Q ss a eee 87|24/Thompson, ek é . Gon Construction Meta 87/25 Art $7)27/Harrington EDeethion. es bene s §7/29| Pacific Mutual oe TNS ACO vere. | 1|/Midgley ge) wecenWauie &8| 5|Anderson, ; 88/11/Knight, : . : . Co;, F. B., $810} Wedgwood, * 10.53 10 &3 8.77 B. J.. S7)18|Wilkinson, and Lynch. 87/20|Meeks 87/28\Tdaho se Bliz 105) 9/Smith, oo cae Power H., A. . i Par Patent eee hare 2.4i2 | 106(12\ Woodruff, Jas. J 70-20 |. uni OF} som eres ¥. ~ 4 1 1. ‘Theodore. 7.89 | 105) Gerry 1.75 | 105) 7Preece, re $$ /22) Alexander, Ha William 86/270glesby Oglesby ae 60) artee 17 | .105|'5|Tolson 1 ae S514‘/MeMurrin, S.7A.,P 8. tae 69 Co. 59) 59 6 | eet 5 K..C 7 : f ie a -59} f , ns 82/30; Union Ce nteal 83/35/Buswell, Dr. J. t Fo iii oS ee ss =f; vofled 8i)14\Griswold, Dr 1/21/Bgan, A. = 8 23 Brokerage and 60 60 60 60 5d BBTE antag Portions Oe MOTE Beate Ac | » Fetorson, 4.38]. 22281 12.28 2.80 8.77 |. 84/11) Wooley, 60) aia oe Deane 83/24) Wild," ¢ 13 a3 1.75 8.77 fhe Tae Days [ee] wifes} wafee] | 59 59 URNS Dr.' 83 21|Chapman, BOT BO} =. 69] 89] ih we dull a 68] 60, Se Bri = ena Os) ee, False] +} bones OLDE x BU: Fx). ikert Ras weld dredge, dward. 13 By. La vers.See ria eeseetesle | Wine re 27s0/California \ ( ate : 60} ee Mh oui a 5S 58 | 58] fe HEN O71 - 58)s ce senee (AAP ap, ine e enc } asl Aiig, Sheu ces seas vaghedvorens I. vy powell, eve { i pp) bap ates acenacedcwabsas Je rea agans Ie, « rans ab a woe 60 a SODA Ds Gille sple Peter qd «ts 100} aed aia} Bertrand 19 ]8b lirorrl ete unl," lla Clara 2/Knadle,- ) wea}'s «|e 09} re mi: e ....... . ae sede ds & Macwe 0 7} a) j..j10 : wat ear miG oodhaee a ee ee es ces ic be ey anew BvitzZec Mrs. - Riepen, Pritz 70} 4) pe beac esas ernes Hhje Charles Iysy.) "William : Ho, 88) «=| gah ecm r ss58} one nieaeias|. peed i ». siecle Darte 6i{i2|/Hausgen, "Bred ae M13 64,14 eons 4) Brown),..Arthur:. 63)18\Johnson. ae Se ae ate , 99}14) Mellor, . ar 58 naensnles saves A MGllORs Wea G coe 19/18) Mar setts Siet (& Si Eade! eer © gamer eee AdKe ane 9 8G ges Dead Bia ae ea chew Hie soe) Si PAB RIC. 9/21) 12 Co, v enn 4/10 & Deas mele, $9)17) Buller, :.)..:- igs ong teewases|s 2 59 net 4 ic SSA FO Gi Coverdale,. Alco: x §2'| 1) Pinks rion, 6S aringer, ates A HAP e tok a > | she alaae | dee e Co as{al 2 Se meets een Ee la 90 t. a ok kao eek ee THe Steac 3) o}Hicks, Mrs. Jobn aeelag‘armer, Mrse JAMOt is oo4 seve cLeod, Willlam W., oH i 2 Ci Nae 1on0 a Tae| 53| 45:20) Faldino, M. As oo... cccessesereee sees ( taeo {: as 4s Ce Aik fins EMIMB red { Se alnrnea TIS 2 RENN Cleanin 7 T. ALOK aes Willlam Mespe ( 7:59| 58 BR} pat 53] BSI 58) aa] SESE. roku etibatee a iven es ..| kt he. sare kenccd]t-|:, | se ceeeee: tiles 1.40 23,81 $.77,| a oe ae yh ah stan cabs acl 1 William . Thomas ee eww cs 98)23\Co : deawe nek ba DAZ ES onsiye cid ae) deneaite , p BS 58) 58] be eine re : 5 ogee J., Samuel eh ¥| Lod] 68 ie t eS ae see ec 3) Miller, Pred IN 5:- Pas tae Gan Aiea die do)0] 58} b/Utah. Art: Co Th Ch eae AS SM OP 1258] 5s] cowales] y am Xik ean Mae elaine Co. and S$ Schilep 12,Golaen Be 58 CAN San ek wewiede'a| s/at(- 428 ame wac Uaexesice .... 0... sscceee sae oe eeCaee George 73} miiS 68} 5S rR REOusUs DER, ieee20 oO mead Gay Sie Ui canik os eaebitnte each 6416 Sirol heeft vbee fee ABTS sudie nines Rah J en Smith Co gjLynn, aie $5 { 10] Ge et SC oor gd, eh eSha r NBR O81 = N Mit ff eeBontee nae a 98/13| "Ho... s:5.si00e.. ta DVM fartha Mrs. H. Pane e604 | 51) OT Thomas' 7 Pen ke E 58 68 so fae pe Dl sm ee irktereapare : D.) Pearl raul Samuel aivincent, A. Brigham | al S27 abe58) |) § 5S e«) 61] .| a\Dobener, a7j19|Sonnedecker, Charles I, IOLE ON. 5» sod Po ep gine dot tne ds j 5 yee 25:10} al OB} BST 61] sal : Ulesse ALON PoP teeta cL Moiese "Milohurr eenee Arthur, PsoP. TeabelinSa, 58| bes) gg se 9/24 /Phomniia, J. Maas cos scieectscee 7iNewsStockton. Mining Co. .0.2-s..01 1: BS] 60 oijdones. Ward and King; W4.0P.22..2.2.|5.) 58) 59/20) Broadbe nt, DY A SWUM aeons ss Keo Hic] 2:58] BR ORITEA cent che ieamaesie..co ©) 58 60) 60) 60) | Henry: & 5 = [BS a Ae rel: Lan Ai Ae Wate. .2ias s echt i a YL " ont we Fae eee yy op 6x1 710 Dontiell ‘gsis0| Ward. arte iy, 58|94/Siebert, 69) not aC 511 Ra (ROOK on ale Ss x). LOC 7D aed Slat Andrew Yoel 68 2 a 4 ous BE| ihoa 2 Ge - nitahwseed a Ant onia 615 Richmond, Dean yedia , 6.13] (BOOK IThero rank L., q Sas any, | Pie Wem TUL CO a Je] ewe g ilantp mere pases Charles = ol} 51) 51 2/61} aise 51 fas 5l| | 51} ope ; 99/23 Krorh, dees Cohen S\vellogs 22/81 25-44 87 BOM 68/19/Pantorium & 58)20\ Tang, 1.75} 140 man i a 53.) t) 1.75 3.51 1.05 ‘ : : ; aR 81 #os& m1ele i [Sb ore ~ uc gc Sam Hel | scale pea ee oe | |} rey. fast 3 ae : Bat iPeterson) 8/18) Levy Odd, HY'| oe 36 aBat wae va Le OGG> ro hiy albus: Amol sees Me NeTa Ne iat |) 201, 1: GOVIRT EK GLO devi CO kge a Jaren in «See sone f sadl3} Sats Pec oe 59/21) Lange, Dr. rank A, . 1.57). 36} 3 | ate ee xander ae 5 2.10 1.75 12.28 69 a ee Nee 26)3| Bicoules, 3 {| Walters, "70Si 5.38 3S Dies 2,10 ‘87 2 2 ie a5 Rae | 262 S7 6 21 35 35, s "F SeerSoe nia ig 1.67 3.51 ee CITY, UTAH. peeiess <tr hang] : EY OBI Ne 190 Lilie Sh ae bs on Alexanc Sneleman 2) Anderson, {|Howat . 2 35 ache ae | | f .2....22.2., RBI : ie tnd Be a FAR Si and Stout Albert< Foun 8.16 ae 122 162 1-75 | 1.05 3 3 ns a 65|29|Mayer, Pa a Bee 88] giContia, Fa || a | 9 Krogh, 5.26 " 134] §5|28\§ . eT 56! 702 1.75 4.56 7.02 33 }o" oe Pee 37 39/25| Pee FICE D.) 4 1.76 7 02 1 aa RNY (BOOK "$7 .iis : ...... ioe August 25/14 Paliner, . 2.62 2 10 4 4 at ‘| i Pe j 44 F a {He} By as ee m8] BB) Isls] Siac mes e "|. NAME AND LOCATION, |: 4 ir . e FS REPUBLICAN, SALT LAKE m2 ‘871 2s ¥ Charles | Varr Ww 3 iliard it els R| > reee 22 - 969 2.10 "BS 175 Re itchings.» ea ie x $ ..| 87 ecmaee | Bete ta e a aieDD.) ....--....scr-esee Albertean 1a) Rilser, Joseph 3 @8)20)Ruga ‘go a b> Se) Slo) |e258 » 26 x ye ee THE INTER-MOUNTAIN Ho > i oar ¥ canege./ is \ |