Show Christmas Week Offers Chance to Predict Weather Weather prognosticators prognosticate have found means meaDS of 01 forecasting most of 01 the coming years year's weather b by cocking an aD eye at the sky ky during Christmas week You Ton m. m may not Dot believe them but here bere are a few tew of the varied varied and and con conflicting conflicting- beliefs bellet about Christmas weather U If the son UD shines through the apple tree on OD Christmas day there will be a a. good rood crop the following year U If Ice lee will bear a man before Christmas It will not Dot bear a mouse afterward Thunder and aDd lightning Christmas Christ mas mal week means much mach snow DOW Inthe In Inthe inthe the winter Wet causes more damage damare than haa frost before than after Christmas If U It snows Christmas night the hop crop will be good next year At Christmas meadow meadows green creeD at Easter Euter covered with frost U If WIDd windy Christmas day trees will wID bring much mach fruit Christmas wet gives empty empt granary and aDd barrelA barrel A A green reeD Christmas makes a fat graveyard A warm Christmas a cold ter A green Christmas a white Easter |