Show PACIFIC PRODUCE CO ICE STORAGE BIN COMPLETED Carl reports that the large ice storage bin below the second se second second se- se cond dam in Cedar canyon Is completed and ready to receive the three to four thousand tons of ice lee which the Pacific Produce Distributors Distri Inc expects to harvest harvet this winter whiter Mr is only waiting wait wal ing lug now for Jack Frost to come along in order that he may put puta a crew of men to work in the harvesting harvesting harvesting har har- vesting of the Ice crop Another mild winter such as was experienced here last year rear would no doubt make it difficult dif dif- difficult to get a sufficient quantity of ice to fill the large storage bin which has been prepared However How How- Ho However ever a normal winter season such as may reasonably be eX expected will furnish an ample ice crop which will more than satisfy the requirements requirements requirements require require- ments of the company for its it's next pea harvest harves season j |