Show Thornton Drugs SPECIAL FOR FOU TilE THE KIDDIES Real Silk Sille Parasols All AU Colors Every Day Drug Savings M M LISTERINE Larre Large 8 S. M. M 1 A A. Large 4 MINERAL l OIL Quart EPSOM 1 SALT 5 S lb Ib Seltzer Alka-Seltzer for foe Quiet Quid II i nf Of 0 I COLDS OuR JOUR STOMACH 0 L iCID CID INDIGESTION nd d MORNING MISERY Ip I LARGE SIZE JUST ARRIVED Fresh Shipment MISS 1 SAYLORS SAYLOR'S SUMMER IER CANDIES o I 90 a r PROOF fIE CHe J N lf A-lf Put riah cIe cd N N. N ITS Jr I ra C CO n O LInb o. o III L n i S I I IO ka I I OPOl Ejes rea Examined Fitted Lenses ds Frames Fram Duplicated D Office over So Ut Lit Power Co I w I Shay Marsden l Shay ATTORNEYS ATTORNEY V LAW AT PHONE CO Gil CEDAR CITY i I II I Iron County Record I ROLLO A SONS PUBLISHERS J Ent Entered d u as S Second ond Class Clus Man I f Matter In Cedar City Utah I December 16 18 1893 under the Act Ad of of Match March 3 S. S 1879 1819 IFS O. O UTAH uTA SWE PALS ASs l Subscription Rate 00 per yea ea eaI I In Advance PROOF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Fifths Code Ho No 54 Pints Code No 55 DISTILLERIES CO Ky r r 1 A Hot Weather Treat At Thorntons Thornton's COMBINATION SALAD PLATE FLATS Chicken Salad Fruit Salad Vegetable Salad Potato Salad Cottage Collate Cheese With Toast or Wafers SOMETHING SOl NEW FROZEN FRUIT SALAD BALAD Its It's Cool At THORNTONS THORNTON'S FOR SALE BALE or Trade Trade Used Used d furniture furniture furniture fur fur- of all aU kinds hay sawed wood stove parts washer parts Lawn mowers sharpened SOC SOUTHERN UTAH EXCHANGE North 3rd West Adv J l pd 8 In the District Court Judicial District In a County State Slate Of James L L. WhIte celver for Irm dr Loan Loon ASSOciation T T. plaintiff 4 vs S 'S Ada ArchIbald id 8 8 Jr r ber Luclle Lucile Bingham a e COl i iclal CW cal Bank of Spans ht c c. 0 O. O Parry I as Chauncey Wt Parry Parry- Bank ern em Utah a Goodale 1 Intermountain OJ tion of Credit Lb Men Ma and Armstrong Company a ants 6 t tTo I Ar tn To be sold at the tha front door of the Sh house In th the city Of p E the County of iron Sta Stae on the R day 0 of 12 o'clock noon of sea IJ certain piece or parcel or of f perty petty situate In Iron Wl Coun II of Utah described u y fo fob C wit The North half Of tot Io I ri South half of tot lot lot 4 to In Plat B Cedar city Tor TOtt described as follows follows- at a point 18 rods It 10 and 71 rods and 22 I the Northeast corner comer of UK the west quarter of the N g quarter of Section U 14 To South Range 11 li West Wes SaIl Base and Meridian then the fling ning South 8 rods rod West B C North 8 rods East 12 rode 1 g place piece of ot beginning Purchase price payable parable h F ful money of the untied Dated at Parowan Utah day of June 1937 HALDOW E E. E ci Sheriff of State BUte tl tit RALPH T. T STEWART Attorney for Plaintiff June 24 July l I j b a. a sad IS I I n J U a 9 r rIx 1 Ix r t 31 a R r i N 9 p ya x z w Y I S. S r. r s p x t s y if 0 w 1 LIVING UP TO MY AD rati ratip sm smI 8 a 7 LP L- L P p f 3 I know the trouble So oil ads many other parts parts as as if they'd been built yell mileage that you cant can't tell one with an actual plating of oil that cant can't cantway r a h way or another I dont don't want my own separate cant can't thin out out and burn bum 2 ads to be in that class so Id I'd like you right up Neither is it going to run rundown ra to know all Im I'm sta staking ing when I personally per per- down every time you stop Then you t 4 recommend Germ cant can't make any dry starts with Oil Oil- Processed oil to you In my ca case cane e you Plating and right there is where engineers engi 1 see Im I'm the owner of business of my say fleets ay you will seed end a good half And theres there's nothing makes repeat customers cus all the wear you used to get in Summer 1 jj bp for 8 me like my Germ Processed The less wear the less lee oil your engine oil oil or I ought to the say long mileage mile mile- eats cats You'll get on to this yourself t age it gives you The patent Germ from your cool quiet Plated Oil Plated engine I e Process makes this oil get fastened real And that's how I make another good goodfriend a firm to the bearings and cylinders and friend for Germ Genn Processed oil l a. a m e GERM PROCESSED ED OIL y t j |