Show Serial No NOTICE NonCE OF APPLICATION FOR I UNITED STATES PATENT I UNITED STATES STAmLAND LAND OFFICE Salt Lake Utah April 28 1937 U U. S S. S Mineral Survey No 1937 NOTICE IS 18 HEREBY OWEN GIVEN that In pursuance of an Act of i Congress approved ed May 10 1872 COLU COLUMBIA mIA IRON MINING COMPANY COM COM- PANY a corporation of Uth by and through Us Its ag agent nt and attorney in fact C C. T. T KEIGLEY whose postoffice post postoffice office address is 6 1002 Kearns Building salt Batt Lake city Utah has II made and filed flied an application for a United States patent for the COOK FRACTION MINING LODE LADE CLAIM situate within the Pinto Iron Mining District in Iron Country Coun t try State of Utah and described I by the official plat pint and field notes I Ion Ion on file in this office and there designated as Mineral Survey No I said ald lode mining claim being situate in the Northeast quarter of I Section 2 2 Township TO 37 South Range 14 West Salt Lake Meridian i the exterior boundaries of said s. Mineral Survey No being de described described described de- de scribed with magnetic variation as follows Beginning at Corner No l 1 of the Cook Fraction Lode Mining Claim U U. S. S Sur Bur No which corner comer corner is on lines mines 4 3 a 4 or of the me Black Hawk Hank Mine Lode Mining Claim U. U S. S Sur Bur No and the Treasure Box Dox Lode Mining Claim U U. S S. S Sur No from which the corner comer of Sections 35 36 38 1 and 2 Townships Townships Townships Town Town- ships 36 and 37 South Range 14 West Salt BaIt Lake Meridian bears North 87 deg 00 n mm min East EMt feet rett thence North 64 deg 18 min mini West variation 9 deg 40 mIn East feet to Corner Comer No 2 of said said Cook Fraction Lode Mining Claim thence South 70 deg 49 min West variation 8 deg 40 min East feet to Corner No 3 of said Cook Fraction faction Lode Mining Claim thence South 64 deg 18 min East variation 15 deg 40 min East feet to No 4 of said Cook Fraction Lode Mining Claim thence North 70 deg 49 min East variation 18 deg 30 min East feet to Corner Comer No 1 of said sald Cook Fraction Lode Mining Claim the place of beginning Expressly excepting and excludIng excluding excluding ing from the above description the areas In conflict with said lode mining claim to wit Pinto No 1 Mine Lode Mining Claim U. U S S. S Sur I Pinto No 15 IS Lode Mining claim Clain U. U S S. S Sur excepting that part of said Pinto No 15 Lode Mining Claim that conflicts with the Pinto No 1 Mine Lode Claim Clain U U. 8 S. Sur leaving a net area claimed and applied applied ap plied for In hi this application of acres more or less The lode lade mining claim nearest adjoining said Cook Fraction Lode Mining Claim U U. S. S Mineral Survey Survey Sur Bur vey No as shown sho by the of official of of- official plat of survey are as follows follows fol fol- fol lows Buck Duck iRye Fye e Lode Mining inning Claim U U. S S. S Bur Sur Pinto No 1 1 Mine ane Lode Lode Mining Claim U. U S. S Bur Sur Su Pinto Pint No 15 Lode Mining I Claim U. U S. S Sur Black Dlack Hawk Haw k Mine Lodo Mining Claim U S. S Bur Sur Treasure Box nox Lode Mining Claim U U. S. S Sur I direct that this notice be published pub in the Iron County Record at Cedar city Utah a weekly newspaper newspaper news news- paper and the newspaper published publish publish- ed nearest said mining claim once each week for far nine consecutive weeks C. C V. V Acting Register Dickson Ellis Parsons McCrea Claimants Claimant's Attorneys A 29 M M-G 13 20 27 J J 3 10 17 24 I |