Show I II I Announcing The Opening of the Service Cleaners Tailors All New Modern Equipment Will Enable Us to Give the Finest Quality of Cleaning Obtainable Q Quick ick Dependable Service Your Clothing Will be Cleaned Expertly Pressed and Absolutely if Cleaned by Service Cleaners Tailors Phone 37 North Main ron FOrt LE a 4 HALE 4 wheel trailer or farm wagon IOn good condition cheap Inquire at Record Of Office flee I fr 1 i 1 1 s1 1 r- r 1 1 1 1 1 M ra o G tt 1 i t s1 4 O SHE Mr E d. fO CO rod ot NArN t t C 1 b e I y 1 hA rUi r rM II 11 6 0 R 0 P M tI 11 1 to II If 0 01 lort e d IlIr It d t cod Aia c AIR t d e a Je NAd I d 11 r t lite N Pr t p. p Ant tJI or 1 c YAr ev diMna II YI 1 11 w ra UI N YEAR WARRANTY ut I II I O Everything ng about the new DOWN PAYMENT Norge is AS YOU LIKE IT Its In interior arrangement AS LOW AS is the most convenient and accessible ac ac- ever offered in a I Refrigerator Come in Let Lei us show you the finest refrigerator r you ever saw saw and and tell uli how bow you UP ur TO S 3 YEARS TO easily you can afford to own it ft PAY THE THC BALANCE NORGE SALES N Next ext to I. I G. G A. A Market larket xia it Shay Marsden l Shay ATTORNEYS LAW ATTORNEYS AT LAW PHONE GO CO CEDAR CITY J Happy Transfer i And Storage Co i I II I Phone or 61 I I I Theatre Programs THORLEY PARKS FRIDAY mIDA Y and SATURDAY Y FRIDAY and SATURDAY Laugh cry Thrill to his genius ELIZABETH ALLEN And CHARLIE CHAPLIN In ANTHON WALBROOK In InThe Modern l Times The Soldier Andi And SUN MON MOM and TUES TUBS The Lady IONE SIMONE SI SIMON ION JAMES STEWART I In n SUN MON and TUES FERNAND GRAVET Seventh Heaven JOAN In InThe They asked for nothing more The Kin King And than to love lo each other Silver Nite Tues Th The e Ch Chorus o us G. G Girl Ir 1 WEDNESDAY ft THURSDAY Silver Nite Nde Tues VICTOR l WEDNESDAY WALTER CONNOLLY RICHARD mCHAnD DIX PETER LORRE DOLORES DEL RIO KIO RIOt t Nancy Steele Is CHESTER TER MORRIS 1 lissi l Missing n g Devils s Playground Show Starts at 7 5 1 15 P P. M M. Show Starts at P P. M. M M r I J I WE ARE I Closing Out I NORGE REFRIGERATORS I AT A CUT PRICE i I iI lEIGH FURNITURE CARPET ICO CO I I Cedar fedar City Utah I We are arc closing out NORGE REFRIGERATORS RE at a Cut Price LEIGH AND CARPET COMPANY Adv A A 8 I LOST Purse LOST Purse containing 5 bill billand billand billand and small change Finder report to J. J M. M Foster and receive reward Signed S S. S J J. FOSTER Adv A A 8 pd UJ i THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINES WINE IN All ly OAI E. E Iron County Record ROLLO A SONS PUBLISHERS ERS Entered as Second Class Mall IraD Matter Iatter In Cedar City Utah December 16 16 1893 1891 under ander the be Act Ad of Congress of March S J. J 1879 UTAH STATE ASSOCIATION NII Dr Eyes Fitted Lenses LeruM it Frames Duplicated Office over So Ut Power Co FOR SALE SALE Building Building lot lat between Center and First South on Second East Call Cal 70 Adv M M 18 tf tr I NOTICE OF OP DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP- Notice U ta k h given ghen that the co partnership co HJ existing Ben nen I c eron and A A. R R. R Barton don doing dona i iness ness neM under the name of B B. B A 41 Ice Cream Co t has been dand d dand and neither of said parties Is b for any future obligation other A. A R R. BARTON DAnTON as R A 1st North Adv A l. A-l. 1 8 pd rl New Green Vegetables Are Arc Here r New v cu curly ly leafed Texas cabb cabbage ge green leaf leafy Texas exu spinach and clean hard Imperial Valley lettuce Theand The They and other fresh freh vegetables that sati many satisfy fy the ap ape petite and supply the so necessary vitamin C When you visit our store you yott Ot will be amazed to see how Garden Fresh our vegetables are OPS Jell Powder 3 for fer l Tomato Juice Campbells Corn Com Standard 3 for i 3 lb can ii i Cleanser 3 for fol 17 e Cornflakes large lOc Green Onions 2 bunches Sc Be Pineapple Juice Large can Margarine pound 1 Heinz Soups 2 cans Cnn 27 C MEATS OF QUALITY r Pot Ol Roast Fanc Fancy beef pound lound lye t L Legs gs Spring Lamb pound Veal Pocket Roast Pork Shoulder Roast Meaty n lb Fresh Soles pound Salmon Fresh Sliced pound 15 c Armours Armour's Star Picnics pound 21 c No Shank baCOn Mild and Sweet pound 32 C CA op FOOD 1 S STORES A OF PURITY B stands for BearA Bearr Bear Bear- i n 1 A fun r loving fun loving mug n a Remarkably Tough Tough- li f r t He slays with a hug x 7 j I 1 oj Z is for Zebra Zebra- With 1 t. t t awning striped awning striped d fur fi Ul His legs Fast cast t J 1 1 r move so w l kt r W i That his color schemes blur Now mix them both up and mix them up well And d there sir you have the New Golden Shell SheIl Like two oils in one Its It's Tough and its it's Fast It Cuts Starting Wear I And how it ZEE BEAR does last t 1 Starting causes More Engine Wear than all the running New 1 Golden Shell Motor Oil is Flowing Fast-Flowing to redu reduce this wear wearA A 1 Tough lough so it stands the heat of steady driving SHE The New Motor Oil Iii |