Show I Change in Matter l Is Continuous Say Scientists Theory Contained Truth IN N CI AI ANCIENT ENT Greece a 3 philosopher phil phil- named concluded that all matter wa was ultimately composed of fire On looking about him he noticed noticed noticed no no- that nothing in the material material material mate mate- rial world seem seemed cd to stay put Everything was in iii a state of flux And since the tIme crackling crackling crackling crack crack- ling flames of burning wood seemed to change more often than anything else he knew of he deci ed that fire was at the bottom of it all How Now while modern science clence does doe not agree with theory asto as asto asto to what matter is made of it does agree with him concerning the omnipresence omnipresence omnipresence om om- om- om of change It has In fact gone much farther than 1 litus ever could in studying the occurrence occurrence occurrence oc oc- currence of very slow changes of which the average man never dreams A piece of gold for instance Isone is isone isone one of those things which we feel sure will remain as 81 it was when we last saw it And so it will practically speaking But Dut according to recent experiments at Kaiser Wilhelm Wilhelm Wil Wil- helm institute by W. W Seith and E. E A. A solid soUd metals can flow right into one another Gases Seep Through Metals Gases also may seep slowly through solid metals It has been found by C. C J J. J and C. C E. E of the British General Electric Elec company Strictly speaking ItIs it itis itis is Impossible to confine nitrogen forever in an Iron tank The nitrogen nitrogen nitrogen nitro nitro- gen atoms arc are continuously worming wormIng worm worm- ing their way between the Iron atoms at oms of which the confining walls are arc built The eternal motion with which all atoms are endowed is the cause of all such kinds of diffusion And this motion Is Identified by scientists with heat So In a very vague and incomplete sense Intuition intuition tion may be said to contain a grain of truth Cosmic Rays Ray Take Part Cosmic rays too have a share In Inthe Inthe inthe the incessant change about us Not even the rock of Gibraltar escapes escapes escapes es es- es- es capes from the disintegrating action action ac ac- ac tion of this bombardment from distant dis tant stars and galaxies But Dut why bother with uc such slow low changes which may require before their effect Is noticeable The answer to this question Involves the raison detre of all aU pure science Paradoxically enough the goal loal of the study tudy of changes is the discovery ery cry of those things which are permanent per manent the manent-the the laws of nature |