Show See the Bright Side Sido The world may maybe be pretty sordid sordid sor sore did but one does does' not have to contemplate that phase of it too much I It Il lias has others others' that are brighter Tho The best angle from which to approach any problem is the try angle One needs to learn how to enjoy enjoy enjoy en- en en en- joy two or three hours of quiet re reflection You cant can't be entertained entertained entertained enter enter- every waking moment A Friend Cheers When lihen your friend remains with you to cheer you at a time you OU are unhappy that's the acid test All AU you need In order to revel in Nature is a tent a 11 tot cot a pan of bacon and eggs and immeasurable immeasurable immensurable immens- immens love of bf the woods Generally speaking give your candid opinion but mind who's present There Thero Should Be Bo a Law The law can compel a nun man to pay taxes Wh Why cant can't it compel him to take an Interest In the affairs affairs af af- affairs fairs of his government The people of Europe stay mad madat at each ench other all the tithe They are as bad as our feud feud- fists Displays o of temi er cr are sheer waste of vitality They help nobody nobody no no- body and hinder everybody Alas one fears there thero is getting to be more power horse than sense horse-sense in a machine age |