Show I oid ciu ciuL I By Dy Miss Gertrude Woo Wood d 1 L The announcement which appeared In an Ogden Orden Newspaper willbe will wUl willbe be of or much interest to Cedar people with W W. Thurman son of or Mr and Mrs William The marriage of or Miss Mss Wilma I and W W. Thurman Pryor took toot place lace on Wednesday afternoon December 20 20 at atthe atthe atthe the home of or the brides bride's parents Mr and Mrs W W. M. M Washington Wash Wash- ington Avenue with Bishop James H. H Riley performing the ceremony The rooms were beautifully decorated with yellow and orchid s. s The bride was attended by Miss Georgia Bingham ani and John acted as best man Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to the dal party and members of of the Immediate late families Mr an Mrs Mra Pryor will make their home In to the apartments I Friends were entertained Wednesday at a delightful dinner and dancing party by Mr and Mrs Harold Johnson Johnson Johnson John John- son at Lunts Lunt's Cafe Care Dinner was served served served ed at eight o'clock durin during which a musical program and toasts were en Following the dinner the guests enjoyed the remainder of or the evening dancing Guests present were Mr and Mrs Irvin Riddle Mr and Mrs Jim Uric Urle Mr and Mrs Webb Leigh Mr and Mrs Scott Matheson Mr and Mrs Walter Lunt Mr and Mrs Clarence Clarence Clarence Clar Clar- ence Miller Mr and Mrs Ray Bush Mr and Mrs Eugene Wiggins Mrs Alta Hunter Mr Burt Gamer Oamer Miss Dorothy Osborn and Mr Edward Edard Par Par- ry 0 S Mrs Wallace Lunt entertained friends at an evening of or bridge on Saturday An interesting social to take place In the near future is the Second Ward Supper and dance A menu has been planned for the supper and two orchestras have been engaged one for the young people and one forthe for forthe the older people The Ward Recreation Recreation Recreation tion Committee members have been working hard to make this social a very enjoyable one An invitation Is s extended extended ex ex- extended tended to everyone to attend Mr and Mrs Scott Matheson will leave today to attend the Utah Bar Association convention in Salt Lake City Saturday night a banquet and nd ball will be held at the Hotel Utah Mr Matheson has been honored by being one of or the three out of or eight hundred members ch chosen sen to speak at atthe atthe atthe the banquet The speeches will be broadcast over K S S. S L. L between the hours hour of eight and ten Mr Matheson will speak on The Brotherhood of The Bar I I In honor of or her husbands husbands' birthday Mrs Webb Leigh entertained Thurs Thurs- day Mr Leighs Leigh's old original gang gangwere gangwere gangwere were guests The evening was spent in playing progressive games rames after arter which a delicious luncheon was as served by the hostess Mr and Mrs Scott Matheson entertained entertained enter enter- a group of or friends Friday at a avery avery avery very delightful dinner party Following Following Follow Follow- In ing dinner the guests all joined In singIng singing singing sing sing- ing and story Friends honored Mrs Jemima Hunter Hunter Hunter Hun Hun- ter with a Surprise Party on Friday The evening was spent In playing games and visiting A delicious dell deli dell I clous clow luncheon was served Mrs Theo Watson and children of Colorado are here visiting with Mrs Watsons Watson's parents Mr and Mrs Hyrum Hyrum Hyrum Hy- Hy rum Jones Mrs Hans Root and daughter Mrs Arvilla McKay were ere visitors here last week Mrs M. M L. L Done of or Richfield Is here visiting at the l home one of or Mrs Irs Amanda Peterson The Third Ward Gleaner Girls en entertained en en- the M Men Tuesday night of or last week at a Chill ChiU Supper Mrs Hosea Walker of or Hinckley shere is s here visiting with lath her parents Mr and Mrs Dolph Andrus Mr and Mrs Joseph Bettridge of or were visitors here during the week end The Old Fort Camp of or the D. D U U. P P. P will hold its first meeting next Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day In the Third Ward Relief Reller room The history of Mr and Mrs Thos Kingwill King Kingwill will be given riven by their son and daughter daugh daugh- ter Mr Arthur King and Mrs Robert A musical program will begien be given gi by the grand children of or the two families Members if Ir the M. M B. B W W. Club met Friday at the home of or Mrs Olive Ol Pace Mrs Kate Sawyer gave an In Interesting interesting interesting in- in discussion on Handy Household Household Household House House- hold Hints Current events e were given ghen b by each member At the close of or the afternoon a luncheon was served to the fourteen members present Mrs Lowell Taylor and young yong daughter Joan have been visiting the past put week at the home of or Mr and Mrs David Webster Mrs Taylors Taylor's parents |