Show fir t tt Mrs Farrell Farren Ddson A very unique and interesting parly pat par ly ry was given last lut wk In honor of the retiring of or the Ladles Ladies Wei ak Wel ak club at the home of Mr Mrs Charles R. R Hunter A very clever mo mo- I Wf tiff of a sea voyage was lias carried out The voyage was headed by the retiring retiring ing president Mrs Parson U U. Webster Web- Web ster as captain who had as her crew retiring vice president Mrs Don Doh Draper aid secretary Mrs Earl Urle The voyage wage the past years' years club work which was brought to a most successful ending All members er f the club wore sailor caps and sea ea seagoing going games were played throughout the afternoon A unique luncheon in keeping with the afternoons afternoon's theme was served to fourteen regular club and one guest Mrs Potts The Ibe new ofU officers officers- r Mrs Lanell Lunt p president Ident Mrs Stanley Bradshaw I vice rice president and Mr nl Higbee secretary were In charge charre of f the affair An Interesting social gathering lathering of the past week was the Joint outing given by the the Lions Club and Auxiliary Monday afternoon at Websters' Websters Flat Th The affair honored retiring officers of the Lions club and was wu held In place of the regular monthly social of the auxiliary Groups with their families left the in n it-hp it he afternoon s and n- n nd arrived ar- ar rived at the recreation camp where a treasure hunt and out-door out games were mere arranged for the youngsters A full entertainment was en en- joyed Later In the evening a camp campfire campfire campfire fire supper was served sen-ed and a a. program given liven With MUth the new Lions LIoN president B nest t-nest nest acting as master of ceremonies The new officers of the I I club were in charge of the affair and were wert assisted by the months month's auxiliary I I hostesses Mrs Wilson Lunt Mrs Durham Durham Dur Dur- J I ham hanl Morris Mrs Reid Money and Mrs Mr Clarence Miller Diller Approximately I I 1 I people were present at the outing A most delightful canyon supper I I I J I I 1 I and was liven be tr Bust Bail nes and professional ional W Women Women's club dub at it the Five Mile Camp In Parowan canyon canyon on Wednesday evening Forty members members' were seated at one long table which was lighted by candles in unique rock holders and a delicious supper was wu served Following a comic conic program consisting of brief sketches readings and singing was given In the I small amphitheater at the camp I Websters Webster's Flat was the scene of a IL mast ost enjoyable canyon party gIven for the American Legion Auxiliary and partners Sunday The entertainment began early in the afternoon and was ended with a camp fire supper and program Thirty ladles ladies and their partners were present Mrs Edward E. E Da vies of Provo ar arI arrived arrived ar- ar rived in Cedar Monday to Join her husband Mr Davis Plans are that thit they will wm make their home In Cedar for two years as Mr Davies h has taken the place of Mr John E. E BlazI Blaz- Blaz zard District Agricultural Inspector Mrs Melv Melvin Melvln In Burke returned the first part of the month from Oregon Oregon where she he has spent the past winter I with her husband who has been an n assistant professor at the State University University sity alty of Oregon Mrs Joe Fackler arrived from Omaha during the week to spend two weeks visiting with her parents Mr MI and Mrs F. F L. L Biederman and friends of the City a. a I Miss Dixie Foster Faster spent the week weekend weekend weekend end visiting with friends in the city Miss Foster is now employed in the I Attorney Generals General's office at Salt Lake I Cit City I Miss Lillian Jarvis of Salt Lake City is visiting with friends and re re- re Mss Jarvis is a guest at th the home of her aunt Mrs Ezra Thomp Thomp- 1 son son i iI Mr Corydon Walker a former re resident resident re- re re 1 I of ced Cedar Cedr r and acid now of of Los I Angeles has been visiting with frien friends is I and his parents Mr and Mrs J. J H. H Walker I Miss Ann Wallace of Fillmore spent I the week II end visiting with friends I j While here she w was S a guest at the I home of Mr and Mrs John Foster j Mrs Frank Walker and daughter Ruth left July 3rd for a two weeks weeks visit with Miss Verda Walker in Los Angeles I I Miss Ella Gardner returned last I week from Los Angeles for a a. short I 1 visit before leaving for a ten days trip to Chicago I s Miss Mae Kopp left during the tho week for San Francisco where she she 1 will spend the remainder of th the sum sum- mer Mr and Mrs Orville Orvllle Wood of Las I Vegas spen spent visiting their parents In Cedar City M. M Mr and Mrs Bill Hunter and family family fam fam- ily are here from Seattle Washington for a a two weeks vacation Miss Jane Smith left the first of the w week ek for an extended visit In California Mr and Mrs Hyrum Croft and family were visitors In Idaho during I Ithe the Independence Day Holidays I Dr and Mrs Frank Petty and family family fam fam- I fam-I ily are visiting In California this week |