Show i I I Famed Tabernacle Choir To Sing At M San Diego Exposition io or b r I OJ v W 1 1 11 1 t M J. J t f J f 4 IJ g Il J it 1 L j lee v v b b 1 f r Y YR Yd R t d M ti i j j s r fr I i 4 w r o I i I 1 It J jo I f tv Jf 1 f J f j i V t l' l t M t 4 H I ov Mi J Tabernacle choir of Sat Salt Lake City one of cf the world worlds outstanding choral group groups Ta t The Mormon m with the great Tabernacle Organ for a wide notion radio fadlo broadcast U la shown hown above as It lt appears appear hundred and five eighty vole voices will be heard n as guests gunts of cf the Ford Ford J This Motor noted CompanY P musical y at the group CI California of three Pacific Itic International International Exposition during the week of July 19 to 21 28 j i i Perhaps the greatest cultural contribution of the Intermountain the California Pacific International west rest to Exposition la is the scheduled appearance in San Diego Taber Taber- of the Mormon this summer lummer F cade de cle Choir of or Salt Lake City As AI guests guest of or the Ford Motor musical musi cal eal calm organization organization world famous ot three hu hundred bundred dred in is the theFord theFord theFord will appear golden T voices Park Ford Music Bowl owl In Balboa week from July 19 to 6 26 the tI luring during masterworks Sacred and secular afternoon will feature the music Mt and evening converts concerts which will in in- leading choral numbers ur elude dude the al berd and aDd ancient From the compos n of pt modern oratorio and opera as welt well as IS solo 1010 and group interpretations ot of modern classic and semi semi-clastic compositions This Is the same lame type of ot music that has bas thrilled millions of music lovers loyers during the choirs choir's broadcasts over oYer weekly national radio hookups The last lut sixty fire years rears of ot Its ItJI history has seen leen the choir develop from a i small body of ot singers Into a splendid choral group croup recognized today as aa one of ot the the- worlds world's outstanding out out- standing musical organizations organisations a symphony of glorious voices voice witha with a a. musical soul loul as it has hu been described by br one eminent musical Me critic Sponsored by Henry Ford at th thIS the Century of Progress In Chicago last summer lummer the choir was wae considered 4 I i iby by many the leading musical attraction attraction at at- traction of fair Ford Motor Company officials voted It I Ione one ot of the most mOlt successful entertainments entertainments enter enter- presented by the Ford Exposition In fact so 10 enthusiastically were Its ItJI offerings received by fair visitors vial tors tots that the Ford Company made special arrangements to feature the choir In a return engagement enragement during this summers cummer's exposition p I |