Show Hawaii Seeks Admission to Sisterhood of States By WILLIAM C C. C UTLEY uw just what would you do NOW N with another star In tn the American American AmerIcan Amer Amer- ican nag flag Forty eight Is a anice anice nice even enn number all full of multiples 43 white stars look took mighty pleasing and regular placed on their field OeM of blue In a rectangle of at six sir rows down and eight across as you find them on Old Glory today But nut how would you arrange 40 49 Seven Seven Seven Sev Sev- en rows of seven each roch Not so good a square on a rectangular background What then What did we do when there were only 40 Not In 23 years has there been a change In the number or the arrangement arrangement arrange arrange- ment of the stars In the American na flag The last was when Arizona was admitted admitted admit admit- ted as the forty forty eighth eighth state of the I Union completely solidifying our western west i em ern frontier as ns we thought at the time Rut But If it there Is to be a ninth forty star It will undoubtedly stand for a far far- flung outpost that may be the base of an altogether new frontier pushed 2000 miles Into the Pacific ocean It will stand for the Hawaiian lIa Islands The principal motive for the present drive Uncle Sams Sam's Island citizens are making for lor statehood seems to be escape escape es es- cape from the effects of the Jones Jones- Costigan bill on the Hawaiian sugar Industry Of course the have for years been certain In their own minds that their Islands would some day be a n state but they thy have h been more or less passive about It until the last two years They feel that this bill Increases American purchase of or sugar augar from tram Cuba at the expense of Hawaii The law could hardly have been passed were a state With virtually every Inhabitant of the lad e paradise paradiso cheering for him Samuel Wilder King Ing the Island delegate delegate dele tide gate to congress has Introduced a bill bm billIn billIn In the present session petitioning that body of very busy ladles and gentlemen gentlemen gentle gentle- men mn to let the people of Hawaii organize organize or or- a state stale government An Interesting State And what an Interesting state Hawaii Ha Ua wail would be bet bel I It would be the only state where pineapple Is one of the principal products pro the only state with an active volcano the only state with Its own distinctive e native race of peo pee people people pie and the only state Inaccessible by railroad or motor car It boasts some of the most beautiful resorts In the whole world and It has a leper colony Its It government and customs are as American as 81 a T model Ford and more than a third of Its I Is of Japanese descent d d of the hula hula- hula and the Hawaii boasts also some fine schools and great Indus indus- tries The Islands which stretch out for nearly Dearly miles mills 2100 miles southwest of ot San Francisco were discovered In 1553 1855 by a sailor nam named d Juan Gaetano They were promptly forgotten but were rediscovered tred by Capt James Cook CookIn In 1778 The Hawaiian Islands first became united under one strong central go gov government government in 1705 liol when the native Kin King Kamehameha conquered Maul Maui and Oahu John Jacob Astor visited the Islands In the Interest of trade In la 1811 and France England and the United States Stares traded considerably with the people of the Islands during the followIng follow tallow Ing lug years ears The predominating Influence influence ence since that time hat has always been American Tb The last leaf remains of the monarchy were wre completely overthrown In la 1803 1893 and aDd the set let up n to provincial government with S S. S B.- B. Dole Dote as gov governor Dole negotiated an annexation treaty with President Harrison but the treaty was wal lat later withdrawn by tip President OI Cleveland veland It was finally finally-ad witted by In 1803 McKinley 1 S. S lind In id 1000 1900 a territorial government was 1181 letup set let setup setup up with Dole as governor The present present pres pres- ent governor 1 is II Joseph B B. B appointed by the President I r The Islands have little mineral minerai wealth BO so the principal Industry Is agriculture The sugar Bugar crop Is annually annual annual- ly Iy worth more than and the pineapples Civilization has hns developed to a high degree Steam railroads run on regular regular regu regu- lar schedules on all the eight Ight Islands There are street cars carl In Honolulu Schools are excellent In fact It was In Hawaiian schools that early orly California California Cali Call fornia settlers sent their children to tobe tobe tobe be educated EdU Education is compulsory The University of Hawaii compares with many on the mainland Hawaii and Texas are the only parts of ot the United States that have comInto come com into the Union Umon by annexation No purchase purchase pur pus chase or conquest was Involved Hawaii's people are of the feeling today that their territory has grown to a point which Justifies Its statehood statehood statehood state state- hood Americans In the states are perhaps perhaps perhaps per per- haps Inclined to feel the Islands so BO remote from them that they care little Yet Vet n a woman hns has Mown Down from Hawaii to California In only n a few hours flours there Is even now regular air mall mail service between the states and the Islands s. s point out that their population population I tion Is double that of ot Texas when hn Texas Texas Tex Tex- as entered the Union the states slates are apt alt to retort that some tome two thirds of Hawaii's population Is not of the white race that one third one third of It Is of ot Japanese descent Since annexation Hawaii has paid approximately Into the tile federal federal fed fed- eral treasury In taxes customs receipts receipts re re- re- re and so on an average of a year rear For Ioor several years Hawaii has hns paid more more than any anyone one of 10 16 states Including Oregon and Alabama Alabama Ala Ala- bama boma which have three and seven times Its population respectively Hawaii's trade relations with the mainland have hue Increased mightily since she Bhe became a territory J From rom quite modest beginnings the tile sum total of imports Imports Imports Im Im- ports and exports rose to In 1023 1929 they maintained nearly as high a level even en after the crash crash In In 1032 1932 they totaled I Hawaii has hns been but little affected by the depression It Is one of the few places on earth where a man who wants work can get It overnight o Honolulu Is I. American Honolulu the capital city Is la truly American It has compulsory education education tion like all the Islands and it basmore has bas more endowed institutions than any other city of ot Its size In the United States It has hag no billboards s and Is un- un American In that way It preferred to keep Its roadsides beautiful Instead of commercial Hawaiian are Interested In their government The average a vote in an average election Is approximately 80 per cent of the total registration a record rOrd for tor the United States The Is Islands Islands islands Is- Is lands are governed by a senate of 15 members elected for year tour terms and a house of representatives of 30 members elected for two years rears The governor serves a year four term terin For efficiency Honolulu city and county count county coun coun- t ty were combined under one civil gOY go- eminent In 1009 1909 The city proper Is about the size of Albany N. N Y Y Long Beach Deach Calif or Norfolk Va a but Its government Includes an area 2200 2260 miles Ion long stretching from Midway island island is is- land to Palmyra Island Centralization has baa been the trend of Hawaiian government all alon along In Inthe Inthe inthe the pr's present nt session of the territorial legislature serious consideration Is being beIng being be be- ing given ghen the proposal for tor consolidation consolida lion tion of ot the two houses are proud of th their lr ell mate It Is said that no temperature has ever been recorded below 60 50 or about 89 In Honolulu Even prouder ore o the HawaIIans of th their lr patriotism During the World orld war ar Ua Hawaii ll exceeded exceed ed ell It Ils ju ta on every Liberty and Victory Victory Vic Vic- tory loan Enlistments were so heavy that the territory was wag exempted from the first draft Delay In realizing the dream of state state- hood was as of little consequence to Ha until the Jones Jones Jont Costigan bill made them feel that the they were being subjected to the whim and will of con congress Champions Champion of statehood see the gress gres res increasing of ot the Cuban sugar quota at Hawaii's expense much as 88 a law restricting restrict keean keenn might see a similar ing tag enormously the production of chee cheese in Wisconsin so that American purchases of Holland cheese could be Increased Hawaii wants want statehood for for the protection of her agricultural Interests la to which hundreds of millions mil mu- lions of dollars are Invested In R Race c. c Problem Misunderstood Hawaiian citizens I claim that mainlanders mainlanders main main- landers misunderstand her problem of races Hawaii they Uly say Is U not as many persona persons In continental United States believe run over-run with alien a orientals orl ori who are into western culture and modes of thought and who would In the event of statehood statehood state state- I hood control the politics and ond government government govern govern- ment through a tendency to vote according ac ac- according cording to racial blocs There Is fear sometimes expressed that In the event of war the Americans Awed Ameri cans cane of alien descent In Hawaii would constitute tute an anti-American anti group In Inan Inan inan an American community Logically the Hawaiians claim this criticism would hold as true of Hawaii all the tile ter ter- territory territory as of Hawaii the state There Therl ore are more persons of Japanese descent than any other Americans and other whites and part part-lIa part are nl about out equal Iqual to each ench other In num number ber bee There Is also a large number of Filipinos Delegate In King answered the racial metal argument In tn a 11 recent address as ns follows follows fol tal fol- fol lows i iTo To those who ho are concerned about our racial set up let Jet me say that no unprejudiced person doubts for a Il moment moment mo mo- moment ment the loyalty of our citizens of kiLl I tM u 1 e t b i r r I General Genera View of Honolulu With Inset of the Territorial Capitol and a I Hula Hula-Hula Dancer whatever er ancestry any more than one would doubt those In many communities ties on the mainland that have as great greata a diversity of or racial strains In a population population pop pop- of at over people perhaps a third are aliens Ineligible to citizenship citizen citizen- ship While Willie an Important element In Industrially In In- this group does not participate participate participate pate In lo governmental affairs Irs The citizen citizen citi citi- zen ten group about abolt two-thirds two of th the po pop comprises In tn round numbers numbers numbers' and part nearly as large a group of Sax Anglo ons one and a somewhat smaller number of ot In all about of Cau Cau- ulan and Polynesian peoples whose Americanism Is U above question and about citizens of or Chinese and Japanese ancestry concerning whose loyalty we of ot Hawaii have no doubt The Th Chinese group came originally to Hawaii nearly 00 CO years ago Its descendants de de- descendants sc are now completely Identified fled fied l with the country of their birth The more numerous and more resent recent citizens of Japanese ancestry man many of ot th them m still children and all of them necessarily Hawaiian born to be able to qualify as citizens are showing every ev eVe every ery Indication of ot their desire to be Americans In the fullest sense and to toone toone toone one who has Jived ived among them and observed observed observed ob ob- served their progress In this ambition there can be no doubt as to their sin sin- sincerity nor their capacity for tor citizen citizen- ship As Aa to the argument that citizens of all alien n ancestry will tend to form a racial ra ro cial bloc and an l so 0 dominate laminate Island politics politics poli poll tics Hawaiian proponents of statehood will win retort by referring you rou to the rec rec- ord And Anti here are two Instances the they are sure to recall Fled First the 1030 1930 campaign when an American of Japanese ancestry was wu elected outright at the primary to the board beard of ot supervisors of the island of At that time the citizens of Japanese extraction were In the ml ml- on Kauai Kallal and anti the successful candidate te was elected by the l ballots allots of all alt races Two years later when for forth forthe the th tn tho o first time Americans ans of Japanese ancestry ancestry led all groups In racial re reg reg- ns the same man went down to defeat 1 Second d a campaign on the Island of Ia ul In n ib t ame year citizens c of Japanese ancestry ran for the board of or supervisors One was elected outright out out- right at the primary the other oilier Will was not noc even nominated O. 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