Show i Grand Pageant Planned For of July Under direction of the Community Recreation Center the celebration for July In Cedar City CUi this Ulis year ear is be being be lag Inc planned to surpass anything previously previously pre pre- arranged fo toe for that day In other other oth oth- er years Committees are are to be appointed appointed ap ap- pointed to vi visit L all Southern Utah towns for the purpose ot of extending an invitation to them to join in il ing with Ith Cedar City In addition to the morning program of sports childrens children's events and a public public public pub pub- lic meeting there Is to be a grand pageant page page- ant at evening In the grass covered bowl at the B. B A. A C. C campus where seating arrangement will be made to accommodate the hundreds of people who will gather to witness the colorful spectacle The pageant wilt will be of a patriotic nature na nature na na- ture tune depicting the spirit of 76 78 and outstanding outstanding outstanding out out- standing national events of history In music dancing and song The finest local talent from Cedar City will WUl be assembled to present the various scenes cenes and an elaborate lighting system system system tem wilt will be installed on the lawns to create the proper effects for each act A fireworks display will be Included In Inthe inthe the presentation and many new and varied forma of ot will be introduced In Introduced in in- Parowan will be Invited to furnish a group for one of the pageant acts act Ira Ita N. N Hayward has been appointed general director of the pageant other other- directors for specific parts of the program program program pro pro- gram to be later selected Band music will be furnished by the City band and the Junior band banet Dancing will be done by pupils of the college dance class and the singers will win be chosen from the communities best talent The The- pageant will be presented without without without with with- out charge chari to the public Members of the Recreation Committee Committee Com Com- who have haTe the day In charge charge- are ant I. I Y Bigelow chairman n N. N J. J Barlow L. L O. O Miles Miriam Luke Morgan Rollo folio Fae Dix Leland Perry and W. W M. M Forsyth |