Show New H Harmony Verda Taylor Re Reporter Mr David Ballard sons and their wives from Grafton spent Tuesday here at the home of or Mr and Mrs Mn Frank P. P Kelsey it being Mrs Kelsey's birthday The Wee Mi-Kan-Wee girls pIa banqueted their mothers Wednesday evening atthe at atthe atthe the home of their teacher Mrs LeaIle Leslie Leslie Les Lea lie Ile Pace The young married people enjoyed a waffle supper Tuesday evening at the home heane of Mr and Mrs Un Tom Pearce Mr and Mrs Albert P. P Mathis Mathia were b business badness visitors in Cedar City W Wd Wednes d day A Clarence Engl Englestead has baa returned to to the sheep herd after alter spending pendIng some sometime I time tine with his bis family Charles the small U son of r Mr and and Mrs Mn Andrew Andre U quite ill W with nUl TAD PIt ter of Mr Der u 11 had t sd her tonsil removed Tuesday f. at at a atJe the Iron County hospital Mr Orson Hammond Is here lug Ing a a. few days with his family Mrs Mn Charlotte Mr and Mrs Carlyle Esplin Thora Esplin and Frank Matheson left ThUr Thursday day ay for Salt where they will wUl attend the L. L D D. 8 S. conference |