Show f Items of Interest I From Valley Mid-Valley Some Bome of the farmers of the Mid al ley district are busy plowing these days ays In Inthe inthe inthe but there being so little moisture the ground it looks almost a hopeless case unless we get plenty of rain inthe In Inthe inthe the near future Miss Joahanna Roundy who came for a few days visit with her sister Mrs Woodard went back on Mondays Monday's stage Geo Esplin seems to be making things count on his farm In the matter matter mat mat- ter of getting his spring ground ready as he has two four horse teams as well as a tractor busy plowing and cultivating cultivating cultivating ing his large alfalfa fields The gentleman gentleman gentleman gentle gentle- man is more favored than many others as he has two large pump wells ready to throw Immense streams of water onto the land regardless of what the weather man might bring or not bring Millard has a large consignment con con- of fat lambs ready to be put on the Los Angeles market and he is 18 expecting to ship them at the earliest possible date compatible with good profits Millard has been practicing ing a vary very definite system of feeding the past winter inter and his findings are looked forward to with with some interest by other feeders as to how he will come out in the long run lie He has a large capacity feed grinding mill mm at his place and mixes alfalfa hay pay corn and grains together so as to get the very highest efficiency out of his work and get all possible feed value from what Is i being given to the stock Since Bince the recent rise In the price of butter fat the various dairymen who have been shipping milk all all' winter to the local creameries feel a little better paid for their efforts and prospects the the prospects ahead are much brighter Grant Hunter has been a very bussman busy buss man for the past month hauling hay LL u L u LL Lu I up lip 10 to o his nis flock HOCK llOC on the me ne east eBli bench where he has been herding them for what brouse bronze they might be able to get and augmenting their rations by hauling by truck ruck from the north field farms It being eing l such an open winter the stock out ut on the ranges have been able to tare fare very well where there has been any my herbage for them at all from last years year's growth What a truly wonderful valley we would have if we Just had the water to properly Irrigate it We have as good goodland goodland goodland land as any to be found In hi all this western vestern country but the one ono great drawback is the lack of the vital element clement element ele- ele ment of water With only one foot of snow in the mountains to the east of ofus ofus ofus us from which we draw all our Irrigation Irrigation irrigation tion water the prospect for the farmers farmers farm farm- ers with only a class B water right Is anything but bright doubly so when the big fellows who are able to pump shuts off the the- small wells veils so as to to- work a double hardship on those who have depended entirely on their small flowing flowIng flow flow- Ing wells for a supply of water water- for culinary as well as stock watering purposes purposes pur pur- poses thus compelling them to resort In many cases for months to haul water the they require Its It's fine to talk optimism and boost boost- |