Show 1931 State Insurance Taxes Total Utah Insurance policyholders paid in 1931 a total of in special state insurance taxes Of this amount only of per cent was expended for Insurance supervision The remainder as sho shown O In a nation nation na na- tion Uon wide ide survey by the Insurance Department Department Department De De- of the United States Chamber Chamber Chamber Cham Cham- ber of Commerce went ent into general revenues for which policyholders ders also are taxed taxed taxed-as as are all other citizens The ease with which insurance taxes may be collected the National Chambers Chamber's Chambers Chamber's Chambers Chamber's Cham Cham- bers ber's Insurance Department says accounts account ac count III for some of the Instances in which Insurance policyholders are discriminated against and made to bear more than their fair share of taxes A very few persons however realize that it is b actually the policyholders policyholders policy policy- holders who are taxed The Insurance companies are compelled In effect to become tax collecting agencies collectIng collecting collecting collect collect- ing from their policyholders taxes for forthe forthe forthe the general genera use of the state govern govern- ments These taxes originally Introduced Introduced introduced intro Intro- to cover the expenses of state regulation of Insurance for the benfit ben benefit ben bene- fit of policyholders are now almost en entirely entirely en- en levied for general genera revenue pur pur- poses |