Show Credit Rating Bureau Opened In Cedar A Credit Rating and Collection Collection Col Col- lection Agency has been established in Cedar City g the past we week k by Durrel Dunel W W. Corry which will wilt enable business firms of the town to determine determine determine deter deter- mine the ability of th the customer to tolY pay lY before credit i li is e extended Mr Corry has established an office in the thet Gordon Jewelry Company store Practically all of the business Ibm firms In Cedar have Joined the rating bureau bureau bureau bu bu- reau and at the end of each month each member firm will list all aU accounts account overdue and then each Indebtedness In Indebtedness Indebtedness In- In will be compiled complied and listed by Mr Corry A copy of this complete complete complete com com- list will then be furnished to each cacti member firm which will show the total total to to- tal Indebtedness of any Individual that might ask for credit Mr Corry Carry will alto also do cole on work a certain amount being allowed with the rating bureau au contra contract i and andon a aon also on a commission basis A M |