Show Teddy Bear Dear Sanctuary Koalas known colloquially as ni nil na native tive U bears real live teddy bears hears In 10 Insoft insoft soft plush-like plush fur Cur have lately become become be be- come the object of special solicitude both official and private In AUS For several generations nobody nobody no no- body paid any attention to them for they ho were so BO numerous that It never occurred to Australians that they could ever eer become scarce But a highly fatal epidemic got started among them some tOme years ago killing them by thousands Shooting koalas Is now forbidden Even more promIsing promising prom prom- ising laing Is lathe the setting aside of well wen supervised supervised su su- sanctuary areas where here not only these theRe attractive marsupials but also other Interesting but threatened native animals and plants have a chance for their lives |