Show 1 I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SIDEWALK PAVING rAVING Office of the Recorder Cedar City Utah Sealed SeLled bids will be received by th the City Council of Cedar City Utah at atthe atthe atthe the City Offices until P. P M M. Thursday July 10 lD 1930 at which time the bids will be opened by the council and read after which the bids will be considered and the award made as soon as practicable for far the tha construction in Cedar City of approximately approximately approximately forty thousand square feet of concrete sidewalks four and five feet wide and 1 lour four ur Inches thick thick and three hundred and seventy feet of standard concrete curb and gutter Bids will be r received separately or I together er for the tile sidewalk and curb and gutter work Plans and specifications are on file me mein in the above mentioned City offices office where they may be reviewed by the tha prospective e bidders Specifications Proposal and Bidding Schedules and Form of Bond will wUl be furnished for foe five per set Each bidder his bid with a certificate from an approved surety company compan stating that said surety company will provide said bidder with a bond la ip such sum as required according to the tha provisions of said specifications The Tha right is reserved to reject any or all ail bids A certified check for five hundred dollars made payable to Cedar Cedar Ce Ce- dar City Corporation must accompany each bid as es evidence of good fait faith and as a guarantee that if It awarded the contract the bidder will execute it sa and give bond band as required CITY COUNCIL OF OP CEDAR CITY UTAH By Dy Clarnce E E. E Riddle City Reco Recorder der First notice June 21 21 1930 Last 1930 Last notice July 6 b 1930 |