Show We Do We Do Doby by Ti M. M K K THOMSON Ph D. D S WHY WE ARE ALL ALIKE NO TWO of us are exactly alike In tn every respect Yet Yel by virtue of the fact tut that we are human beings we share like qualities We Ve are all alike In kind We differ only In degree We Ve all have the common human In in- Instincts of ot hunger sex curiosity except ex ex- except that one otle or more of these Im Im- Impulses pulses are stronger er In same some than In others In one line person the Instinct of ot curiosity lIy may be completely overcome by the emotion of fear flar while another person might aught have this Impulse nh ah normally developed dl as 88 In the vicious forms of 0 gossip The slime same Is hi true trill of ot nil mill the other r human qualities of body and mind II Heredity y t ruining training education likes likE's and both native and acquired make a n difference us as to the time place plure an nn Impulse e or emotion or I Idea a or some KOmI other mental trait will have p In any uny given rIven rn rose case e Nevertheless p we nil all possess these traits In vor varying de de- grees s. It Is b on Ih the basis nf ot these theve common Ic human humon traits that we Interpret Inter pret conduct o Human nature Is no DO exception to the rule ode that nothing ever I happens without a mi cause When you see a broken window pane you ou know that something happened to 10 It You ol may not nut be he able to tell lell whether It was wan by liy a II bull ball a s stone a club or orlo something lo else but you are certain some lome force was us applied Similarly there Is a 8 cause motive or-motive for every fry human act Why do we Inu laugh h cry try etc sleep dream get run away from danger doner grow trow old Id Id die suffer pain feel sorrow und and do 10 ninny many other things peculiar tn to hu- hu hui i tuna milD beings There here Is III always 81 some j cause or muses causes for every pry act acl Sometimes It Is lIS very difficult It to determine determine de de- termine the true trul motive Life Life- lit is a tangled skein anI and moll motives VIII are highly complex What hat often semis seem like Ilke u It ureal real read motive trill may turn lum urn nut out to be he a ra ra- the reason we 1 give for doing what hut 11 we want to In do The sd nee enee of motivation II le I the tile III and one nine of the most mot i II t t r i Ig nm ant useful le In I psychology l IS LIE J by bv n N The III latest I Il t Free iree State Stale census I 1110 taken In 10 shows 11 a total I lion of I |