Show GOVERNMENTAL PROBLEMS D REPRESENTATIVE JAMES JADES M. M BECK DECK Washington did not that the Union would last unless our dual form t f government was 88 preserved in its integrity lIe He believed in ill local self-government self and he never regarded as 88 a possibility that our nation so 80 vast in area could be he governed altogether from rom its capital t The difficulty today with combating an nn undue centralization of at government government gov gOY is that the while the men who framed the Come Con thought in terms of 01 abstract political rights this generation of ot otmer Americans mer thinks thin only in terms of concrete te practical economics I plead for an awakened aken conscience on the part art of ot our II legislators and the people themselves in the matter of constitutional morality They should primarily decide these great questions of constitutionality for themselves Unless Es they do they are in grave danger of losing the benefits belle bene fits Eta of tb the tbs wisest instrument of statecraft that t tl-sj tl a wit cf of I loan has hns yet Jt v devised |