Show Lets Let's Encourage High School Athletics A 4 committee cf cf- representative citizens met with the School Eo Board rd last ast Saturday to 10 ask that something definite be done with the th Cedar High School athletic department feeling that the high highT T ch 1 ol activities were being neglected at the B. B A. A C. C Director Maughan was present and the problems problems-of of the school we wee e thoroughly discus discussed ed h It I. I appears that the officials of the B B. A. A C. C do not desire strong c. c teams in the high school on the theor theory that putting str strong ng competition against outside schools from which the B. B A. A C. 3 draws raws Junior College students would create sentiment causing causing caus caus- ing ini those students to go elsewhere to college The committee maintained that it was not right to sacrifice the high school but cf course course ourse had no desire to hurt the college The The problem that stands in the way is that the two schools cannot work together and develop strong athletics in both the enthusiasm supporting two teams cuts down the scholastic standing standing stand stand- ing and it is claimed the high school hurts the attendance of the college T To get around this problem the only way war out is to separate the schools which also presents a rea real problem To take the high away from the from the B B. B A. A C C. would naturally weaken the college colleg and even if the college could stand to lose the high school the school district is not in ina a position to put up buildings for a Cedar High School Thus it seems apparent that the high school athletic athletic ath ath- letic department will have to be sacrificed in iii order to build dp Up p the junior college There is one thing certain however that hearted half-hearted competition competition tion and untrained high school teams will not do the college any good and is no credit to Cedar Cedr City We must put out the best possible teams with the material available and put them out with determination to win or else withdraw them from the league Personally we feel that high school athletics under the direction direction tion ton of a capable coach who understands the proper handling of young young athletes tes will not in any way injure the college standing rather will strong athletes from high school entering college build up and create a stronger athletic aggregation among college college col col- lege students By all means let Jet us in every way strengthen high school athletic athletics athletics ath ath- letic encourage the board of of education to employ the very best training instructors possible And at the same time let us build up p and encourage college athletics |