Show pion Crank r Had Nad Qualities as Leader himself Champion Crank rands Train led n a life Ute that 1 of ot the foremost hIm m among amons eccentric figures yet et his hta caws caa ca ca- n to have e been a leader him a ws I tor of 01 distinction He Ile made round the world in S SO days day at BI to notable LId bid for lor public notice was waa preceded and followed by her hr unusual accomplishments exposition at Chicago did not start stort off very well and his purpose to save w w w. lie Ue organized a grando grand 0 o the grounds leading It with ar Ir belle of 01 the time on his hisA aroused the West to Interest d A d t enterprise While ile the Call Call- gold eold old boom was on he created for the theDe thelie of 40 sailing soiling ships He lie went to Australia when as discovered erod there and theIn the thein in a revolution re attempted to Train the president of 01 their and went lc c but he bl declined he lic Introduced street herc pe e s. s DurIng the thc Civil war he hele hee le e 9 platform In England for the cause couse and did much to keep keell entry from reco recognizing the erac The war o er he the Union Pacific c railway orI orthe or or- I the Credit to finance i founded Omaha where he be helI lI five tyre e thousand lots reckoned o be ba worth orth though he hethe tIe the to them through litigation lie De liei Insane th h h he was OS declared i New Kew York when he was sev sew years rears old Don Don C. C ID in innon IDmon non mon Americans Americana |