Show W iNt A JO JOB M STATES NEW NEVY COM con go WITH ITI THE TIIE CIVILIAN E EM EM- I. I rEo jF oj u Officer Officer Salt Lake City L of the young oung men of this I ny 1 are now the he ty 1 atthe the civilian employ employment at ha hundreds d It attune time when so many mant I been laid off because trie esea sea sea- harvest barvest is gathered These self self- roun men ha have e n not t f fui laves laves- nv the the opportunities es that the States Government is Js provid- provid orthe the education and steady dy ement em- em Lent sent ent at excellent rates raes o of pay the he young oung men who have taken teges of the Navys Navy's ed educational employment service sen They know ag g of the safe ufe future with a repay re- re pay er ere is no more generous e employ employ- ploy the world than the United States L The Navy Y a will enlist a man may mY be entirely Ignorant along alongI tl I 1 and seafaring lines and will L t II MW ot only to be a competent f n but will also train him qu qualified electrician a radio radio- a moulder a smith metal-smith a maE mast ma- ma E st t or in any one of th the five fifty-five es s s' that the Navy Educational Jem m embraces At Atthe the same sarno time ihne man marl is earning go good d pay pay which clear clean Tho Navy furnishes en upon enlistment with a a com com- outfit o of clothes valued at I wholesome and nourishing food cal I and dental attention so 0 with exception of personal toilet tone artif arUa arti- arti f a mans man's expenses are paid Td b by the theAt y At the end of or orthe the month his it is l h In addition t to his expenses Just are Bare the pay of the Navy man at end lend of bf the month with the amount he l' l average a young man In civilian has i left at the end of the month r meeting his hill expenses and you readily see the advantage the they y man has financially Navy Navy- mans man's pay is never inter inter- led ed except as althe the result of his own At the same time the thein in the Navy IS iff building up his and learning a trade which and learning a trade which I enable him to secure a position i skilled workman when lie r returns turns life da day the Navy will not Snot not accept a aJust ajust ajust just because he is physically A man matt to be enlisted in the they ther y r must trust furnish references from past ast cm employers lo ers from former Lol of 01 teachers and from prominent kens ens and end Iu business iness men as to his ty and character r. r This assures parents of the young men and j young men themselves that durI dur- dur I their enlistment in the Navy they 1 be associated with only the high- high type mentally mOr morally and phy phy- American Manhood that the try produces A man who cannot annot ish lish excellent ch character and Abili- Abili bili- bili references or who ha has a police rd ird or whose hose reputation in his hb hisie hise ie e community is not of the best ot of be enlisted in Ill the Tinned es Navy he inducements inducements-in in way of r pay educational advantages are such the Navy can pick its men with it t care and as Uncle Sam is de- de loed ired that only the best shall wear Xav Navy Xavy uniform ach tach ch application enlistment is carefully and pertly per per- illy investigated by bya a a Navy rep- rep before a m man manis nis Is accepted enlistment Out of every eVeY five men apply for enlistment ely y four of them are rejected ted h b i gives some idea of the rigid re re- re ments today for enlistment he ne neavy avy r. is a little slower in iv- iv employment ment than is tho the civilian loyer er maje e but careful selection na ns a n T Permanent employee Ua Har s Sterne come end ind harvests go but theys they's the ys y's f s w rk goes on for days day s sar ar nr ar r L' L |