Show DRYING POTATOES A now new scheme adopted by Call california forris farberg Far we learn from california that a trait fruit company a n y in that state has adopted an interest ln ins ang method of drying potatoes by they are greatly lightened so as to be more available for or transportation by the drying process four fifths of the weight Is demov d w without lessening the nutritious value of tb potato or diminishing its excellence as food when cooked it Is reported that the corn com pan pany engaged in this business will soon have rea ready ij y tor for market nearly a million pound 4 of 0 dried potatoes the original weight of which waa vms about pounds the idea of drying potatoes for shipment Is not novel notel but bat we do not know that it has ever before been carried out oat upon a large scale in n this country we cannot say aay how bow the potato browers fowe rs of the great po potato tato growing state 04 0 kew new york look upon it california to Is truly an enterprising state its fruit vegetable and grain raisers raiders hay hav recently manifested a remarkable arnde arn DE of ingenuity in marketing crops of their ranches ranc bea they live alv far away from the centers center of population and they are able to to con sume but little of their own food products so 80 that they have to seek for markets marker not only in this part of the country but also la in europe aud and asia new york sun |