Show ASKS TO ACT hallway ago age introduces sl a new mir method or of relief nener tron from that the employed emp loyes of the railways cliffer mast and most directly by any limi diminution nution in railway revenues Is a het which the employed emp loyes themselves it a the mass have been very slow alow to bid ader stand but it seems as it the they we ire awakening to the tact fact at last in amest at intervals during the th e last two to years the employed emp loyes ot of certain gates have banded together to make inake their political influence felt in opposition to anti railway legislation in minnesota in iowa and in kansas among the western states employers dabs clubs have done themselves and the railways good service in the past now after the bitter experience of the lut last few years the employers all over the country are rising in protest against the renewed bitterness of the granger attacks in several states the railway men of all classes are fighting I 1 vigorously the various legislative raids ca railway revenues which are threatened best of all has been the con elusion reached at the union meeting ot the different railway labor orders it battle bock ark when a resolution vas tu adopted calling on members of all L orders to oppose legislation which b would further reduce railway earnings lu la illinois kansas missouri ohio and other states employed emp loyes are protesting with more or less unanimity against the passage of 2 cent a mile passenger rate laws and similar enactments ts all of 0 which is very good there was a time when it was I for the public and for the rail 4 A way vay employed emp loyes to be or pretend to be i ignorant of I 1 the real condition of the railways there was a time when it I 1 tu as possible to make the credulous to tereve 11 eve that the books of railway com awes were kept in suck such a way that tt at true condition w was not noaim known own lamiat lati toa bat at all professions of poverty on their part were untrue and made for political effect only that time timar has hamd the condition of the railway limPert parties les of the countries Is in its gel general leral outlines at least known irown to who cares to ta know knowlt 11 and tte condition it if not desperate Z is 3 at least seriously crit critical icil lor or the maty L bority of the companies n feil there ought fo tobe tube today not less lea thim is a quarter ot a million of men lore mare in the employ of the th e rani rall waya ulan there are 1 the I 1 X be there not DIA only for their owa bakee but sim aim PIT tor for the lafity aj bifi 1 lk the railways of 74 ahw 1 am ope crated rated bodai 1 I 1 W AM 4 far ar below the 4 lr I 1 IR 7 0 1 1 I 1 lang ang as th the 0 i ti oi I 1 maintain th clr fi i 1 it t I 1 I 1 doubtful ft ff I 1 lil l 1 in I 1 briness from froat ia I 1 ar I 1 I 1 aimee nea will wili to employ the k k af t W tod markh ef a decent f wages jeta cauway M W ate aea A IV isseks t s I 1 I 1 I 1 z I 1 I 1 |