Show I ALIAS S SUMMONS IONS In the Justice Court In and for Cedar Precinct Count County of Iron State of Utah before S. S T. T Leigh Justice 67 ol the J Peace ace SAVINGS DANK BANK a corporation Plaintiff vs- vs MATT MArl AUSTIN Defendant oJ The State of oC Utah to the Defendant You are hereby summoned to appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear before beCore the above entitled court within ten days alter after the service servin- of this summons upon you OU if served within the county in which this ac action ae- ae tl tion n is brought otherwise within twenty days das after alter service ervice and defend above entitled action brought against you Ou to recover the sum of upon a note not with interest at the rate of oC ten per cent per annum from the day of October 1924 1 and for the sum cum of ol OO upon a second promissory note with interest at the rate of ot ten per cent from the day of ol November 1924 1 for 2500 attorneys fees and for Cor all costs of suit and in hi case ease of ot your our failure to do doso doso so 80 judgment will viII be rendered against you according t to the demand of the complaint Given under hy hand thi this day or of f April 1 1925 1025 25 S. S T. T LEIGH Justice of DC the h. h Peace SHAY HAY LUNT Attorneys for plaintiff P. P O. O Address Cedar CIt City Utah First April 24 Last l Last May 22 22 1923 LI |