Show I DIRECTOR ORDERED e TO UIT HIS POST OS DISTRICT DRY ENFORCEMENT DIRECTOR DI 01 RECTOR AND TWO SIDES SUMMARILY SUSPENDED I Hints of Irregularities In Conduct of ol Office M Mad Made Following Investigation tion Covering Several Weeks Weka Of Intermountain Office Criers Salt Halt Lako Lake City Orders calling tot fOI the Immediate suspension of Then Thea Schweitzer general prohibition director di dl rector for tor Utah Colorado and Wyoming Wyom ing and Jerry Z Z 4 lloyt Hoyt and Baker two of his hi agents were received re r cel cd by bT Mr Schweitzer Saturday from Assistant Prohibition Commissioner Commis Commis- loner Jon Jones at Washington In n tho the communications Mr Schweitzer was directed to turn over the affairs attain of ot his Ids office ortice to Prohibition Agent Francia Francis Fran Fran- cis cia I P. P M Malden Madden of Denver Oen The Tho suspensions are aro effective o pending pend pond ing the completion of an Investigation tion Uon into Iota Mr Schweitzer's office Instigated Instigated In several weeks n ago o following a raid on the residence of Dr MaurIce MaurIce Maurice Maur Maur- ice M. M Critchlow The preliminary charges upon which tho the suspensions are made In Include in elude clude alleged violations of the Interstate Inter Inter- state commerce net act alleged conspiracy acy to violate the interstate commerce com coma merce merco act the alleged conversion of ot automobiles and other property seized seized seiz seiz- ed in n raids to private uses t fie tte e alleged alleged al al- padding of expense accounts and alleged drunkenness on tho the part of officers Involved In addition there Is also n char charge e that false statements statements statements state state- ments wore ma v by Mr Schweitzer or or his a aides dell in reporting facts con conn concerning the Critchlow raid The Tho charged violations lol of and to violate the interstate commerce act It ft was further learned are based upon the tho alleged acceptance accept ance once and use by prohibition a agents Including Schweitzer Sch lloyt Ilot and Baker Raker of rail railway passes on the Union Pacific Pa Ia line IIno between Salt Lake City and andI los I as Vegas Nevada r Under the Interstate commerce net act federal officials are arc expressly barred harred from Crom the acceptance and use of such free tree transportation and penalties of fines flues not exceeding S' S O or Imprisonment for not exceeding two years or both are ore provided The railway company Is also held bold as equally li Ii liable 11 I attic able to prosecution as n. the users of the paper I The use of passes pasos on the particular trip trips tripe on which government Investigators InosU gators are said to have procured evidence evi evl dence dance was waa e explained by sly IY Mr Schweitzer er er It Is said Bald as duo due to a n de desire lre on 00 tb the part of the government o men to conceal their real roal identity from the train crews and other persons persona with whom they came Into contact |