Show A prince ms as A priest prince max of saxony who has re bently taken up his abode in london ud as a catholic priest at the church of st boniface union street Is the fourth son of prince george duke of saxony and nephew of the king of saxony when he became a priest he formally formal ly renounced all his rights to the throne to which his father is heir prince max is only 26 96 years of age and he quitted the german army ar my to enter a monastery a few years ago his determination to retire from the world and to enter the priesthood is said to be due to an unfortunate attachment he entertained for princess fedora of schleswig hol stein by his modesty he has become very vert popular among the poor in the east end his reply to the cheers raised in his bis honor upon the occasion of his first visit to the egeln or working mens club attached to the mission mie sion was 1 I come among aifong you not as a prince but simply as a priest I 1 am a worker myself for to my mind no honor Is ia so great as that as that of labor nw now york commercial Com advertiser ver yer tiser |