Show 0 auri R T I 1 T bote isoo for president WILLIAM J BRYAN OF NEBRASKA for vice president ARTHUR SEWALL OF MAINE WHO IS RIGHT LA LAT T sunday the dailies of this city presented a strange inconsistency en cy from the telegrams of the occurrences curren ces the day before one was froni from the east and the other from the west one was from the dummy napoleon of ohio the mouthpiece of the goldbug republican party the other was from the astute McKin mckinley lev politicians of atah I 1 tah we have no disposition to draw the deadly parallel but these two key kev notes sound so discordant and contradictory 9 that we wish to call attention to their inconsistency mr mckinley in his canton speech delivered on august agust 12 2 said the people have a chance this year to prevent a free silver law from going on oil the statute bo books and thus keep our money of every kind now in circulation as good as gold and preserve our national name above reproach if they dont improve the chance they will not have another opportunity for four years on the same day and reported by the same newspapers the mckinley win wing of the republican party of the state of utah held a big meeting in the city of ogden at which senator arthur brown ex em gov arnor thomas and others addressed the people in behalf of mckinley and pledged the of silver at the ratio of 16 to I 1 in the event of republican success if these two statements can be reconciled then black is white and white is is black a man cau can go up and down at the same moment or serve both god and mammon acceptably at the same time in the east the battle is waged for the express purpose of preventing a free coinage lair 0 o according to mckinley himself while in in the west the same contest is to be fought for the express purpose of restoring the free coinage coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 aben a mckinley orator from the east crosses the mississippi river he drops his goldbug ar argument au in the father of waters and picks up a free silver speech when he returns east from the west he fishes up his gold standard ideas and puts his silver notions to soak in in the same receptacle and ana yet this is called a campaign of education in other words the professors of politics are educating the people of the east to believe that the earth is square and in the west that it is flat there is but little doubt as to which of these teachers are correct these western fellows are in hard luck in fact they are sick and are promising anything to io get well when the dm devil 1 was sick ack the devil a mask would be when the devil got well A derfl val a monk mk w was he br no voter need be fooled with va such trash as was delivered at it if he is he ja is a candidate foroe for oe lunatic asylum JOHN M who pet coet a wildcat in the th e 2 pe 4 stewart jm jias gone fiete mark hanna process f |