Show american manufactures abroad the latest reports of the bureau of statistics show that the remarkable increase in in the exports of american manufactures which began soon boon after the wilson tariff took effect still continues to break all of our previous records the official figures for the eleven months ending with may last show that the total of the manufactured ex ports was wag which exceeds the total for the corresponding ea eleven even months of the preceding year by nearly if the returns for the month of june last are as large as those of may the exports for the fiscal year 1896 will be sti still I 1 more exceptional and cheering the notable aud and steady increase since 1894 in in the sale of american manufactures to foreign nations marks a new era in our industries krotec zionists have vainly attempted to explain it away by alleging that the increase is mainly due to the large exports of mineral oils but the figures show that mineral oils account for only about thirty five per cent of the increase among exports in the eleven months ending with may manufactures of cotton show an increase of builders hardware machinery nearly manufactures of leather ev even on the manufactures of wool increased these results ought to encourage american manufacturers to put forth great efforts to extend the sale of their factory products abroad to do this requires no now new legislation but only courage and enterprise now new york herald |