Show notice to creditors I 1 estate of henry druce deceased I 1 notice is hereby given by the undersigned undersigner under signed I 1 administrators with the will annexed of the I 1 estate of henry druce deceased to the I 1 creditors of and all persons having claims I 1 against said deceased to exhibit them with the i necessary vouchers within lour months after the first publication of this notice to the said 1 administrators rooms 2089 9 constitution building salt lake jake city cit utah WM D I 1 LOUISA D WINEGAR I 1 administrators with the will annexed of henry druce deceased I 1 dated J july uly x aith i th i 1896 H A S S roth rith and C M na nielsen attorneys for administrators notice to creditors estate of harriet J druce deceased notice is hereby given by the und undersigner undersigned under er signed ad administrators i i tars of the estate of harriet JD J roce deceased to the creditors of and all person having against the said deceased to e exhibit them with the necessary vouches within four months after the first publication of tha notice to the said admi administrators rooms 2089 9 constitution building salt lake city utah WM m D dauck louna LOUISA D WU administrators of the estate of harrit harriet J druce deceased dated july x ith 1896 H A S smith sith ith and C ZV M nielsen attorney f |