Show I 1 I 1 GERMADE the finest 1 break breakfast ft food in the market try it t i 7 7 e 1 j 4 C 11 1 jmj i 4 5 iati maw K 1 I AV A V 1 Z 1 i I 1 w g ir w 1 Z I 1 Z it 1 I f im a I 1 IMI 8 1 I 0 I 1 I 1 11 1 ur I 1 mr el i 1 r I 1 I 1 I 1 C I 1 7 I 1 P 4 aj r I 1 UZ bf the F anew Bt anft I 1 1 NEW 2 an 1 1 a I 1 9 n yara ax I 1 0 I 1 I 1 T avam r afi 11 Z ll 11 IF SW ask for vitore ineat f W AN im and taken bakera choice 11 a A i a no other fancy 66 t 1 PIP finest food THATCHER GERMADE in the market AU kinds of mill products PEOPLES forwarding CO s 31 33 35 37 main street F R K RICH manager GO TO telephone W S HENDERSON I 1 TO buy i the cash grocer choice fruits and vegetables extra sliced peaches gordon dilworth fruits franca ameri american can soups fancy toilet soaps chase San borns coffee liptone Li ceylon tea ex choice bulk teas imported bottle fruits all kinds cereals kenned kennedys Kenn edys J V s crackers bulk olives fancy bulk curtice brothers preserves imported shelled nuts citron lemon Lemou orange peels powdered sugar solid packed canned goods fine cigars and tobaccos cos pure maple syrups all button mushrooms pure spice extracts special hams and bacon starle staple groceries california Cah fomia nuts S MAIN ST Amer american ioan biscuit mfg mag co WHOLESALE S SECOND WEST ST R SALT LAKE UTAH HENRY WALLACE on ra a M wn FACTO 20 I 1 it ecith a bicycle bicycled aad anik InBe pi a OUR TICKET boie iLIS isoe 1343 for president JOHN T MORGAN OF ALABAMA for vice fice president WILLIAM J BRYAN or NEBRASKA OUR PLATFORM FREE SILVER iLVER ra MORE MONEY AND AMERICA FOR AMERICANS we fling this banner to the breeze and nail it to our masthead it will inspire hope and ari dal g neb reward to st tg 2 i a arp are th cliteal millions of our countrymen hurrah bior morgan and bryan great salt III t lake hot springs ry by time table la in effect may dany DAILY Z x SUND Y leave airlie leave arrive salt lake PM Farm logton salt lake am a m 7 au a am m sun am 8 91 am 8 30 a m 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I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 eplee aune I 1 lase ta leav suit I ake city NOS for provo orand grand junction and 1 1 arl all U east mno 4 po for provo I 1 r 1 awaa junction and andall all faja 70 p UL no 10 5 for bor ogden and intermediate p m no ifor 41 ni mt lash LT h pleasant Sh awa and all intermediate points 10 p lin 10 no 8 for au an inte intermediate points p in no s for 0 en an and t the west wes p m no I 1 pot Fo en and the W west wt 1325 p nl arrive salt lobe lake city no I 1 prom from bingham bing Bin gnam nd r provo grand junction a and the east wa p m no 3 from provo 1 grand junction and 60 the 1 1 1135 p rn no 5 from an laaman band all antem points is 65 p nl a no 6 from amm ogden bogde and inta intermediate mediate points 9 AO a m no 7 FY from eureka and Y 95 a m W no from ogden and the west a m no A 4 from ogden and the west 0 m M On only lyline line running pullman palace bleeding bleeping Ble g cars cam salt lake city to san araj francisco alco salt Lae lair city to denver via granil grand junction al and salt lake city to kansas city and chicago via C colorado 0 points rough tourist or family a sleepers a without cha change to ka kansas city chicago and boston free re reclining chaing chair cars wt salt lake city tp denver denter ticket office me 15 W 2nd and so D 0 DODGE gen manager S ae H BABCOCK traffic Ma hanaver Mana naver eer ar F A gm gen passenger Passe neer agent THE BE the scenic line of the world the only line running two through la test trains dally daily to leadville aspen aaben pueblo colorado Spir lingis and denver EFFECTIVE APRIL to 80 16 T train ra no 2 leaves ogan ogden 6 45 am ft m salt lake am a m arrives at pueblo eb 10 SAC am a m colorado sa s1 springs 7 IS am a m denver 92 am a m cripple creek aso a SO a m train rain no 4 leaves ogden at GM p pm m salt lake artto p m arrives at pueblo 6 15 p to colorado springs 6 49 pm p m denver p m connections made at pueblo colombo colo ado springs and denver with all lines east elegant day coaches ebes chair cars and pullman pull ga sleepers on aa aal trains take the he D R 0 9 aja and bahem have a comfortable trip and enjoy the scenery on the continent shortest line to cripple creek colorados great gold camp A 8 HUGHES traffic manager bla nager denver col S K HOOPER Q G P T A denver col col B F NEVINS general agent EL BL M T P A SALT LAKE CITY I 1 0 1 loj N L I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 7 1 I 1 r t I 1 1 I 1 t I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 t V 4 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 THE SHORT LINE to denver colorado springs best and popular route to cripple creek victor leadville aspen G glenwood enwood springs and ALL POINTS EAST through sleepers Slee pere mid and through free chair cars cam finest scenery and elegant equipment the only une line running through free chair cars care to denver colorado om Sp L leadville abille and intermediate points from salt lake ike city and ogden trains leave and arrive at B Q depot L leave dally daily 7 40 pm p m arrive ly dally aoa 1306 an 1 I A BEN ron city ticket agent IS W second south sooth 0 A BROWN general agent room boom 4 atlas block salt lake dike city ic T 6 t 0 1 ia aj z f 6 UN 01 N I 1 LIN I 1 t t 1 P aja F ag I 1 hil ab 1 pl 0 CAI I 1 I 1 A 0 0 i 1 PACIFIC I 1 I 1 V r t I 1 jab 4 i j I 1 it 1 I 1 syster I 1 vim TOB CAR LIK arrive and depart depan all Ls any tta batir tail follows follow 44 in effect april ath 1896 I 1 I 1 pro fron achl ca 6 omaha st louis louig 9 hansu C city 19 denver park cit 1 and Ogden 3 10 m frolin miena I 1 batte rl atte Fort portland lana jean ban p B Z and ogden jar from san am fiandaco Fran Frand daco wo cache valley 1101 I 1 ogden and intermediate points from chaam omaha st loala akl 1 l IZA garbu my city denver anal and og 1 den 3 i 30 from frisco muford and inter IL mediate pan points ts 9 94 az from mercur untie peoro nephi I 1 I 1 sanpete VZ valley and intermediate points 6 aj 31 r mixed train from terminus nw p Z topete tooele an and d garfield Oar field beach 00 oo P 0 M al DEPART for ch chicago le a 9 omaha denver kansa city s st kl lluu ogden and pirk park city 0 o a for san ban francisco ogden cache valle valley and intermediate points soo s oo a foro for 0 n and intermediate points point j luo va 0 III for denver kans kansada as 11 cyan CY city an N Z oak butge portland and san francisco met 00 oo 00 n for burska mercer provo provi nephi P tt sanpete valley 7 4 40 0 i for provo nepal milford allford Ml lford ansco 0 DL al and intermediate points 6 oc do P n mixed t train rain for garal garfield e id beach a tooele and terminus 7 45 a n wr south booth of jenab run daily M except 31 soa da chaily daily except sunday daily except sunday south sooth of juab cy CITY TICKET OFFICE AO 01 i ST T telephone e no hol ahr ah fallman palace pala sleepers lateef L lai proved to urist sleepers Slee pera free bee i la a OUT v carsi cara elegant day coaches Coa chea D K X BURLEY general ast Paa enger r len a H IL ff ri CLARK clial W MINK MIN anah E X ANDE fiSON JOHN M i I 1 DOA PO FREDERICK R R COUDERT R receivers cheivers K L LOMAX G P T ai E X DICKEN DICKENSON gen manager 0 o ff birago and q A st P eners g going mot cast tor for business will inn nue aro ally gravitate to chicago as a the great comm emai center passengers passenger re friends or rejan re iOTt la in the eastern states always desire to taka tir ID chicago en an route all classes of passenger find that the shut une line of the Ch leago till st cool ballwrg via amu and council bluffs Bluff li affords excellent t ta reach their destinations in a manner mallner that t will bs ba sure gar to give th the utmost saus faction are A reference fe ren ce to the time tables will indic indicate te tl tha rou to to be chosen andi and by asking any principal agent we debt of lot the missouri el for few a ackt nver the ch 1 bluffs A allne of f the Ch leaco leago Mil kankeo d st nit P aal aol 1111 U ehg w you yoa iru w be furnished with the proper passport pa via ia omaha am and n chicago please noto note that all U of the hort une iiii trains trails arrive in chicago la in ample time to with the express trains of au all uis the great through car lines to the principal Fa starn cities por for adalu addi timal nal P 1 a ral allm ti a ws mpa te tc please call on or address aadree s ALEX commercial agent SALT LAKE CITY CHICAGO sr S F LOUIS and F A QT c P 1 A 0 A you leave ogden or salt lake in the evening M g and after breakfasting in the sumptuous dining cars of the SANTA FE KANSAS CITY ROUTE on the third A W morning you arrive in CHICAGO C chicago it icaco or st louis ST LOUIS in season to attend to GALVESTON business or connect with all fast trains or NEW YORK the easl sorrie some ont BOSTON has said recently that AND ALL the track of the ATCHISON TOPE jl KA SANTA FF FE VIA railroad was in in such SANTA FE perfect condition that I 1 ROM vula the long distance run ron of the flyer on the new york C could be equaled if not exceeded b its magnificent ew trains J D KENWORTHY gedl abt passenger ek pt room dooly block salt lake city utah our lit list BROAD ax is now enabled to make to all its new sub subscribers scriben or ol old dones sones on renewal the fol following lowin 0 extraordinary clubbing rate mcclunes mcclures McC luree lures magazine and broad ai one year six months mouth 3 Cosmo cosmopolitan ipolit magazine and aad broad ax one year Six Sk montha months Mun M mazine magazine azine and broad ax ai one year sj six months the american agriculturist and broad ax one year the parna parm and home monthly and broad clad ax 0 aji y A 42 25 M tm pamer farmer I 1 monthly and babad iy ay I 1 1 1 1 i etya 4 c v fr ii I i thle 44 Q stockman and fanner bui 0 fc aia SWA f 11 I 1 M 51 arar ar ar i j t z 4 ar I 1 50 15 w I 1 46 3 7 11 i f in 7 rt ri ai V r weekly world qa d at one W r az 1 I 50 g alkan aning oi z q 7 1 I 1 19 a r r A a C i fi R iha it must accod g y yg ag sr sf it k ad d rew am 1 gt g 3 g g gg j jy ab NT W ag 1 l f 43 I 1 utah tp vj at Z ma 1 1 t S 1 ia r I 1 I 1 0 IRE I 1 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